5: School meant Luke

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All of the lights in Kota's house were off when we reached it. Kota explained that his mom was on a business trip and his sister was at a friend's. He didn't say anything about a dad. I knew well enough not to ask, nor was it my place.

In my house, I eventually figured out that you know what is intended for you to know and anything else is nothing of your concern. Upon questioning anything, there was punishments. I had been through a cycle of all the punishments; they weren't bad but I could definitely do without.

We walked up a set of stairs into a bedroom. Taking it in, I noticed two doors revealing a bathroom and closet, a window seat, and a double bed centered in the middle; it was nearly identical to mine. I sat down on the window seat. Kota pulled over a chair and Luke sat next to me. I swallowed and crossed my ankles, resting my hands on my thighs and closing my eyes.

"Well? Are you going to interrogate me or what?" Luke startled next to me. "It's not a-" "You're right. It's not an interrogation. To you, anyway. But it's very close. You ask me questions and I am expected to answer, no?" I snap. A flash of hurt crosses Luke's face. Regret fills my eyes. "Sang... I just wanted to talk. I want to help you." I nod, not looking at him any longer.

"Yeah, I've heard that enough times. What will you do if I tell you? Call the police? Already tried that. They don't care a penny about my situation. No one cares, Luke." "That's not true," he argues. Kota stands up and leaves the room, shutting the door behind him.

"I care, Sang. I want to talk to you." "You don't understand. It's useless. I can handle it as well as it can be handled. This isn't some stupid book where the character just pours out her life story in the first chapter, okay? I just met you today and Kota, what, 15 minutes ago?"

"I didn't expect you to tell me your life story, just tell me why you're bruised. I can't help you if you don't let me try!" He says exhaustively, his voice cracking. "I'm fine. I don't need your help." I say, tears blurring my vision. I hug my knees tightly to my chest, aching deep down.

"Please let me in." "I can't." "Sang, let me in." "I- can't." "Please, Sang." "I don't know how!" I yelp, turning towards him. He flinched. "Just leave me alone!" I say, running out of the room. Towards the front door, I bump into Kota. When he realizes the situation, his arms wrap around me and hold me in place. "Let me go!" I cry, struggling as his grip only becomes tighter.

Luke comes only a second after, stopping when he sees me thrashing in Kota's arms. His eyes fill with hurt and I shut mine. When hands find my chin, I still completely. My eyes find Luke's brown ones. "Tell me why." "Will you let me go?" I ask. He nods. "My dad hit me." I say quickly. Kota's arms loosen and I take the moment and run. Back to the forest, back to my home, back through the window. I curl up on my bed. Flashes of previous hours haunted my brain and I can't find the will to sleep.

I feel drained. Everything hurts. My muscles, my head, my heart. And I don't know how to make it stop. There was the growing feeling in the pit of my stomach that made me think I would see them again. Part of me was hung up on a question: why were they walking around in a dark woods at midnight? I was out because I needed an escape; what was their excuse? There was something off about the boys and the situation. I just wasn't sure what it was. Several thoughts raced through my mind and I tried to listen to music to help me sleep.


My eventual sleeping was disrupted two hours later by my alarm, reminding me I would have to face school again. I frown and roll out of bed. I already know that as long of a night it's been, it's going to be a longer day. I stumbled to my closet to pick out my outfit. I pick a pair of black capri leggings, a white quarter sleeve button up over a white tank top, and a pair of white flats with a black bow. I praised myself for being able to choose such great outfits after waking up in the morning, or having no energy at all like today.

I quickly wash in the shower and climb out, getting dressed and blow drying my hair. As I look in the mirror, I remember my bruise. I take some concealer and rub it in over my face, enough to cover it but not enough to tell I was wearing it. I don't have the energy to straighten my family's trademark curls so I sit back down on my bed. There's no point going downstairs, I'm not allowed to eat breakfast. I shrug, hosting my book bag over my shoulder and making my way to the front porch, where I sit. It's peaceful enough that I almost fall asleep.


Marie taps my shoulder. "What happened last night?" She asks, swallowing. Something close to anger builds up inside me. "You tell me, Marie! If you hadn't said anything when we were all eating together, nothing would have happened." I snap.

"I'm sorry, Sang. I really am." "I don't want your stupid, fake, apologies," I say quietly. "Just leave me alone." She frowns but complies, walking to the end of the driveway. The same two boys from yesterday come outside. Kota and some other guy who walked from a few houses down.

To say I was grateful to see the bus would have been a complete lie, because we were going to school. School meant Luke, random fights, boring classwork, and lots of dreaded homework. I want the day to be over. It hasn't started yet.

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