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Three years old
Mommy Im hungry please mommy cried the small boy. Here replied the woman hardly throwing a bag at him. The boy picked up the bag and tore it open causing thr bag to fall from his small grasp. Tiny green beads scattered across the floor. The child hurriedly grabbed for them eati g the cold hard green food right of the floor
WHAT THE FUCK BARB I THOUFHT I TOLD YOU TO WATCH HIM screamed a large man coming out of the bedroom LOOK AT THIS MESS YOU LITTLE SHIT he screams planting his boot into the side of the small boy who had curled into a ball covering his ears.

Six years old
a small child clothed in a ratty grey t shirt coders in the kitchen a large tall man shouting red faced faces and fists clenched above him a woman slips away un noticed with a bottle un her hand

Eleven years
A small boy coders in the door way as glass shatters over his head.

A boy sits cowering in the corner covered in blood and vomit his mother on tje floor surrounded by pulls his father head half removed and drenched in blood hun a few inches out of reach fallen right from out of his hand. Then the door comes fly g open there are officers and a women he doesn't talk they are picking him up taking him to an ambulance

The same boy sits at a piano a small smile an old woman next to him
The boy is larger now but he no longer smules he is in all black and he remains silent
The boy has dull eyes and no longer smiles he looks away as the two men with slightly greying hair smile at him

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