Chapter 1-Trip To Hogwarts

Start from the beginning

I leave our compartment and run straight into Ron. He has a long cut along his face, "Crookshanks is looking for you. Right now Ginny has it calmed down in her lap."

I smile and brush past him. I open the door and Crookshanks springs onto my shoulder. "Mreowr!"

"I'm sorry kitty. Guys I'll explain later but I need to get back to my compartment before-"

"Didn't I tell you to be in your compartment Mi-Hermione?"

"Just grabbing my cat Professor McGonagall."

I run past her and down the hallway to my new compartment. "Took you long  enough Mudblood."

"I'd appreciate it if you'd stop calling me that."

"Not gonna happen, Granger. Nice cat."

I sit down and Crookshank hops on the table. He takes one look at Malfoy and leaps into his lap. "Hey! What're you doing? Ah I think it's broken!"

He starts purring and rubs against Draco. I laugh, "Just pet him."

He hesitantly pats Crookshanks. "My father says pets are just meat that's being wasted."

"Well that's not true. Crookshanks is my loyal pet til the end."

I sighed as I realized how old my fat cat was getting. It wouldn't be long now...

"Are you crying?"

I felt a tear drop from my eye as thought of it. "Maybe."

He gets up and sits next to me. Crookshank jumps up on the table and lays himself out. "What's wrong?"

His eyes are filled with actual care and sympathy. "Just thinking of how old my cat is."

"It's not like it's your family."

"Crookshank is my family Draco. You don't understand."

"No I don't understand anything about family."

"Draco. Are you sitting by the Mudblood?

He smirks. His eyes instantly turn hard. "Nope. Just torturing her with names. See that wet cheek?"

"Oh yeah man that's pretty good."

I look up to see a glowering Slytherin girl. "I have to be the Head Prefect this year Treina."

"Ugh with her! Do you mind switching seats and I can come in?"

"Don't mind at all."

He has a devilish smile as he moves seats and opens his arms. She smiles and leaps on him, kissing him at the same time. Nasty jerk.

"Oh don't mind me over here you guys just gonna-"

I stop mid sentence as I watch an angry Crookshank creep behind me. "What Muuuud Blooooood?"

"Nothing, oh just nothing."

The girl goes back to kissing Draco and my cat leaps on top of her, sinking his claws into her back. "AAEEEEEEEEE! MY BAAAAAAACK!"

She runs out and Crookshank detaches from her back. "Good kitty, come here!"


He walks over to me and jumps up onto my lap. "Thanks for ruining my fun Granger."

"Wasn't much fun for me. And thanks for acknowledging my cat as part of my family."

He rolls his eyes and I watch a smile toy with his lips. Then I notice he has a dark red mess on them. I immediately grab a napkin and start wiping it off.

"What the bloody heck are you doing!"

I'm so used to wiping off Ron's face that I did it automatically. "I'm sorry I just, you had lipstick on you."

He blushes and brings a bit of color to his pale face. "Oh um yeah. That's Treina. (Pronounced Tr- ey- ee-na)
She is a fifth year but she seems older."

"Extremely older apparently."

I raise an eyebrow and he shakes his head no. "Not old enough for something like that. No making out with the little kids."

I groan and look out the window. Crookshank sits on top of Draco's lap and falls asleep. "How long is this ride gonna take?"

"Maybe longer if you keep yapping Mudblood."

I feel tears at the corners of my eyes. He's been calling that stupid name more than normal. More than he ever has. He takes out his wand and shuts our compartment door and I'm pretty sure he casts a sound proofing sound. I let tears roll their ways down my cheek, onto my robe.

He switches seats again. "Hey, don't don't cry."

He takes his hand and wipes off both my cheeks. "It's okay...Mudblood!"

He laughs and goes back to his side. "Your a cruel man, Draco Malfoy. Your just like Bellatrix and your father."

His face falls, "I come off like my father? How?"

I really start sobbing now, "All about the wizarding blood and not what we are made of and so wrong with everything. And so very very cruel to everyone escort those who are like you."

Draco's POV

I didn't know what to think. The only girl I love thinks I'm a selfish awful person like my stupid father.

I call her Mudblood because that's the only way I know how to talk to her. What else is there to call her?
Hermione's POV

"Clearly you know me well Granger. I will accept your compliments."

"Get all ready, Hogwarts here."

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