Don't Fuck With Captain Kid.

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Killer and the rest of the crew make their way back to the ship as Kid follows behind them, carrying your body bridal style. His face covered in more blood than ever before. The small whines you let out being a good sign as you start to awaken.

"[f/n]?" Kid gently shakes you in his arms. Your eyes opening slowly, peering up at the blurry flame-headed man.

"Captain?" Your eyes begin to fall in focus on his face, for some reason he looks...almost beautiful. A beautiful, bloody mess. Jeez, must have hit your head pretty hard,huh?  "Shit. I've...never been so happy to see you. You asshole." You let out a small snicker, unable to laugh as fully as you'd like due to the massive pain in your skull, as if attempting to remedy the pain, you lean your head against Kid's chest, closing your eyes. "There was a tiger zombie...He can turn invisible..."

"Don't worry about him! He's been dealt with." Kid smirks lightly, at the memory of what he did to that zombie creep before leaving that church. Kid had been so kind to personally give Absalom a vasectomy.

Upon reaching the ship, Heat begins melting away the spider web as Kid carries you to his room so that you could rest in a comfy bed. "You can sleep in my bed for now, since yours is a piece of shit." Kid mumbles grumpily, causing another small snicker to leave your lips. 

"I'm planning to get a bed fit for a queen when we reach Sabaody Archipelago. You asshole." You manage to croak out, your head still throbbing from the pain, causing your body to tense. "Jeez, always speaking so loud. You're making my head hurt, you damn jerk." You joke, a hand gingerly rubbing your head where the bump sits as Kid gently lays you down on the bed. 

"Jeez, [f/n]. You're a real dumbass, you know that?" Kid mutters, his hazel eyes peering into yours as he leans over you. "You should have just came back when Killer told you to."

Your eyebrows furrow a little, the pain in your head beginning to throb as you grow irritated, once again, with your Captain. "You'd only call me a pussy if I did that!"

"I think I'd prefer 'Rodent'." Kid smirks. Something about how close he's leaning toward you with that smirk on his face was pretty damn attractive. Wait, rodent? 


"RODENT!?" You yell out, a small whimper following as your the muscles in your head strain, causing the bump to burn. "I-I told that asshole not to tell the crew about that damn ghost!" You murmur, resting your palm against the sore bump, your eyes watering a little.

"You're always so stubborn." Kid sighs, his head dropping a little, his lips leaning in close to yours. You'd be lying if you said you weren't at all tempted. "Stop yelling about stupid shit." He simply scolds.

"Hey, you love me and my yelling."

"Don't flatter yours--"

"That's why you called me your girl, isn't it?" You cut in with a smirk, completely shutting Kid up as his face lights up with a blush that matched his hair colour. "Not that I mind..." You continue, your eyes scanning his for any emotion that could encourage you to act upon these feelings.

However, you couldn't see anything. Dropping your shoulders, you close your eyes ready to sleep. But a pair of lips press against yours, causing your eyes to spring right open again. Kid lowers himself slightly, his body draping over yours as he passionately claims your lips with his.


You hesitantly begin to melt into the kiss, your arms slowly making their way around his neck as you close your eyes once again, deepening the kiss. He made the pain in your head disappear completely and you could feel a small flutter in your stomach. You had never felt this way before and it was all because of him.

Buuuut it was completely destroyed when a loud bang reached your ears, causing you to whine against his lips, your head throbbing viciously from the agony it caused your head injury.

"The the hell are you idiots doing?!" Kid calls out to the crew, his eyes showing a mix of anger and concern for your safety as he stomps over to the door, awaiting an answer.

"Sorry Boss! The gate closed again so we opened it with explosives this time!" Killer informed, causing the redhead to scowl.

"Keep the noise down! [f/n]'s head hurts!" Kid calls back before closing the door and strolling back over to the bed, sitting at the end of it.

"Big mouth. Not sure what's louder, you or the explosives." You chuckle lightly, trying to ignore the pain that came with it, earning a glare from Kid.

"Do you ever shut up?!"

Meanwhile on deck the underlings were gossiping like crazy.

"DID YOU SEE HIM CLOSE THE DOOR!" Pervert number one cooed in excitement, his hands presses against his cheeks.

"Do you think he locked it?" Pervert number two asks, suggestively wiggling his brows at his friend.

"I still don't get it..." The innocent one mutters, once again needing it explained.

"He's going to give her the 'perfect cure' for a headache~" The two said at the same time in a fanboyish manner.

"Will you three shut your pervy asses up?!" Heat groans, not necessarily enjoying the perverted images the three were driving into his mind of his Captain and crew member.

"He's just jealous 'cause he's not getting any..." One mumbles to the other two, a small snicker escaping his lips.



Meanwhile, back on Thriller Bark, inside the Mansion.

One of the seven warlords, Gekko Moriah, has standing in front of him, the spider that was responsible for spinning the web that the ship was caught in. The tiger-looking groom who had a very-much-so beaten up face and an embarrassing limb-rejoining appointment with Hogback coming up. Thirdly was Cerberus, the three-headed dog that had a big lump on each head and many of the zombies from the graveyard, many covered in bumps and bruises and missing a few limbs.

Gekko Moriah was a little less than pleased with the scene before him.

"This mistake cannot happen again! The Straw Hat pirates are making their way here! This time, we cannot fail, understood?!"

"Y-Yes...Sorry, it won't happen again..."


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