Come Inside And Be Afraid.

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Once you enter the graveyard with Killer, you make sure to stick as close to him as possible. You've read one too many books to trust a dark, foggy graveyard. Your back tensing up as you hear a loud, echoed 'Hoot' in retaliation, you latch onto Killer's arm and let out a small squeak.

"It's just an owl." 


"Then why are you holding me?"

"....I tripped." you lied, instantly letting go of the blonde and tucking your hands in your pockets as you walk. "Stupid owl."

"Knew it scared you."

As you walk, you could hear heavy breathing by your ear, causing you to grow worried. "Do you hear that?" you ask, trying to figure out which way the breathing was coming from.

"I don't hear anything. If you're scared, go back to the ship. I'm sure Captain won't judge you." Killer mumbles sarcastically. Something about him saying Kid won't judge you bothered you. Of course he will judge! HE'LL NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT IT. 

You will never be allowed to live it down! You'll wake up to "Good morning, pussy!"

Go to sleep to, "Sleep tight, pussy! Don't have a nightmare of an owl now."


Like hell were you going to let that happen. 

"FOR THE LAST TIME, I AM NOT SCARED!" You yell out in frustration. Only for it to be completely disregarded when you let out a loud, high-pitched scream as you trip over what feels like a tree root sticking out of the ground, landing face first into the ground. "Ugh! This stupid island!" You grumble, sitting up and turning to unhook your leg from said root. Only to find that it was a bony hand. And it had a tight grip. Forcing your calm posture, you attempt to unhook each finger. 

Must have been buried here years ago, the wind may have blown all the sand from the grave, revealing the corpse's hand. Yeah, that must be it.

You try to reason with logic to stop yourself from freaking out again, especially in front of Killer. You will not be mocked again. However, when attempting to unhook the hand, the rest of the body pops out from the ground, by itself. Which of course, causes you to scream. More from surprise if not terror.

 "[f/n]?" Killer calls, turning to look at you. Much to his surprise, that wasn't the only corpse coming out of the ground, there's hundreds bursting out around you. "Damn it." he grumbles as he readies his hooked blades and begins slashing through the zombies, retracting one blade as he grabs your shirt, dragging you out of the graveyard as fast as he could, while he slashes through the zombies with the other. "We have one objective, we better get it done or Captain will be pissed." 

How the hell does he say that so casually? We just got attacked by zombies. ZOMBIES. And his only concern is getting Kid's panties in a twist? 

Speaking of him.

"I wonder if he's met that spider yet~" You hum with a smirk on your face as you picture it wrapping your Captain up in a web, ready to eat him. Unknowingly, you let out a sadistic laugh at the thought.

"You would be lost without him." Killer smugly mutters as if he's reading your mind, his voice smashing through your vicious thoughts and causing you to scowl.

"I swear to--" Your voice halts as you hear that heavy breathing again, causing you to cling to Killer in fear. 

Where the fuck is that coming from?! The path is empty! It's not Killer's breathing, his is more calm. There's another person here.

The Corpse's Bride. {Eustass Kid x Reader}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang