Untitled Part 3

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Chapter 3


As I look her up and down,I try and guess her age. She looks about 22 in human years but if I had to guess I'd say shes no older than 200 years old. That's okay,but I would have liked to fight someone stronger.

After we shake hands I jerk my head towards the empty seat on her left,she nods with a small smile.

''So,Estrilda..Thats an unusual name, where are you from?''I ask,trying to get her exact age from her name.

She just grins,showing a set of pearly whites,just missing the extra pair and says '' It's a family tradition on my mothers side''

''Oh really,you didn't mention where you were from'' I ask and instantly her grin changes from good-natured to malicious in seconds as she stares at me,her eyes cold and calculating.

Her friend is staring at me from over her shoulder,I'm about to say something when Estrilda sighs and directs my attention to her.She has a bored look on her face when she starts speaking.

''So,hunter,Jason Douglas I have a job offer for you and I strongly recommend you accept'' she says with a glint in her eye.

I freeze and stare at her a second before asking''How on earth did you know...And fuck off, like I would actually work with an undead bitch like you''I sneer at her. She just rolls her eyes and opens her mouth to speak when her friendsays in a matter-of -fact tone.

''Dude,you really should excepts it,If you dont then.....whos your next of kin?''

I stare at her moment before I burst out laughing,''Jesus,what,you think she can beat me?she probably barley 200!!!'' I say on a wheeze. This causes her to fall off her school 'cause she's laughing so much.I start getting an uneasy feeling when Estrilda just smiles at me whilst her friend struggles to get off the floor.

''What?'' I ask knowing I'll hate the answer.

''OMG, 200 my ASS,Estras over four thousand years old you douche-bag and's been an assassin for over 3500 years.....just WOW,just...'' she trails off giggleing,leaving me sitting there staring at Estrilda my mouth hanging open.


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