Undead Bitch

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Chapter 2-Please comment on what you think of the book.


I sigh and slump down onto the bar,signal the bartender and order a whisky straight up. While I'm waiting I think back to the cluster-fuck that has been my day.

First I wake up to my fellow hunter,Matthews pounding down my door at 5AM, screaming for me to and I quote '' Get your fat ass outta bed you incompentent sonofabitch,we got un-dead bitches to kill!!!'' Then we track said un-dead and ....that's when things turned to shit.Instead of the 4 vamps we were expecting there were well over 12 and we got our asses handed to us on silver platters and the rest of the day just gets shittier from there.

Ahh, now your probably wondering 'is this guy high or some shit?' but I promise I'm not.In fact I'm a werewolf hunter(My name is Jason Douglas) and I hunt and kill vampires for a living. In my opinion vampires are abominations put only on this planet to kill people and piss me off. The oldest vampire I've killed was 400 years old but they can become thousands of years old which really sucks for me.NO PUN INTENDED.

When the bartender brings back my well-deserved whisky I look around the club. Its a pretty basic club dance floor,bar,hot women.....JESUS CHRIST,HOLY MOTHER OF MARY!!!! My eyes land on a unusually tall women with caramel coloured skin and black hair, big tits and a great ass but that's not what made me stare at her, no it was the fact she was a fuck'in vampire and she was sitting at the bar with a bitch ghoul.....Oh Yeah this is going to be fun.

I sit there watching her,she looks at ease and off guard...perfect.I really had to vent my anger somewhere and whats better than killing undead ass,I sigh and choose to intoduce my self...


Hope you like it I will take any and all suggestions.

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