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      I stare out of the plane window as Theo dozes on my shoulder. We're going to visit Cassidy in North Korea, and watch her in the hockey finals.
     I check my phone. Great. Only 4 hours out of 10 left.
    After another hour of staring mindlessly out of a plane window, I'm down. So, I pull out a book.
    It's called Maximum Ride. She's probably the most kick-butt character ever, and reading about her makes me want to do something great.
      Maximum Ride is about a 14-year-old girl who has wings, takes care of her 'flock' (Her family - Fang and Iggy are fourteen, Nudge is twelve, Gazzy is eight, and Angel is six.) Fight off evil Erasers, and flies across the country to save the youngest flick member, Angel, who was kidnapped by the School - an evil  association of scientists that experimented with the flock.
    It's AMAZING.
Sometimes, I truly wish I was amazing as the characters I read about. I don't have Percy's loyalty or Annabeth's wisdom, Katniss' bravery or Tris' selflessness. Heck, I'd pay good money for Max's sarcasm even! All I have is..... Fashion sense. But it's not like that's gonna get me into Hogwarts anytime soon!
     "Hey! Would you mind trying this on for me?" Megan snaps me out of my daydream.
   "What?! On a moving plane?!" I ask incredulously. Megan rolls her eyes.
   "Where else would I have you try this stuff on?!" She asks like IM the crazy one.
   "I dunno. Maybe the hotel?" I ask sarcastically. She rolls her eyes.
"Fine. But it's your fault if I can't squeeze in time to finalize my winter collection."


I've barely put my stuff down before Megan thrusts a pile of clothing into my hands.
"Put it on. Now." She demands. I relent.
The first design is two-pieced. The top is a pink, boxy tank top made from a thick material. It's cropped just below my belly button. The bottom is a 50's style matching skirt that starts maybe an inch below the top and flares a few inches below my knees. I pose and bring on the duck face.
"How do I look?" I ask Megan.
"The outfit's nice. Your face looks ridiculous." She comments.
"Shut up, Wong." I retort before trying on the second outfit.
This ones much more casual. Dark blue skinny jeans and a silky white button down that flared at the wrists. With it, I wore a black leather belt and lemon colored pumps. I give Megan a thumbs up.
"It's alright, I guess, as long as you don't let the miniature sunshine son your feet blind you." A familiar voice remarks behind me.
"CASSIDY!" I yell, attempting to jump up so I can hug her. The rest of the girls pile up on top of us.
"Hey, guys." Cassidy cracks a grin. And though the bags under her eyes are more severe than I've ever seen, she also looks happier than I've ever seen.
"CASS!" A small voice yells. We all make room as Chloe jumps into her big sisters arms.
"Hey, Monkey Face." Cassidy hugs her back.
"Don't call her that!" Mrs. Sloane-Kinkaid calls from the kitchen. We all giggle as Chloe chants, "Monkey face! Monkey face! Monkey face!"
There's more gushing as Tristan arrives, and finally, it's time to go to dinner. For once, Cassidy isn't the ONLY starving one!


The next few days are a blur. I honestly don't remember most of it. What I do remember is January 20th, 2016, the game between USA and Canada.
The entire book club is decked out in red, white, and blue accessories/outfits. We even painted our faces with red, white, and blue stripes.
I take one last look at my sparkly eyeshadow, put on another layer of gold lipstick, and hop into the car.
There's more intensity in the stadium than anywhere I've ever been in my life. The crowds are buzzing with electricity, and the tension between countries only grows as the match draws nearer. One or two fights have broken out on the crowd, one of them just behind us. I drum my fingers as the players file out onto the ice. Cassidy, number 16, is taking the draw. The Referee blows his whistle, and the puck goes up.
The game has begun.

A/N: DUN DUN DUN!!!!! Next chapter will be Cassidy's POV, and the last chapter chapter. BUT, I'm working out two epilogues, and I still have my other fanfic I have decided to continue!
Also, please check out my new story, Diary Of A Cancer Girl. I just started it, and I'm having fun with it already.

May the blue cookies be with you! ( :: ) ( :: ) ( :: )

- Trinity Rebel

Ps: Whaddya think of the new cover? :)

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