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Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Snooze. 6:25 A.M.

There goes the first alarm of the morning. Five minutes from now, another one would go off, signaling me to unwillingly leave the warmth and comfort of my duvet, but for now, I'll make use of this moment by thinking. This gave me five minutes to stare at the ceiling – five minutes to mentally go through today's plans, schedule, chores, errands... my to-do list. Nothing too demanding on this fine Saturday morning. I have to fill in for my coworker at the cafe from 8:00 to 4:30, do laundry, pick up some groceries, then maybe study for that pharmacology test next week. Oh.

Dammit. Okay, maybe the start of my weekend won't sail as smoothly as I originally anticipated. That test on Monday will bite me hard in the ass if I don't take the time to flip over my notes this weekend. Dammit again. Perhaps, volunteering to work today wasn't the best idea, but then again, it wouldn't hurt to add a little extra to that upcoming check on payday. Maybe it's worth it. Maybe not.

I ran a hand through my hair and clutched at the roots, letting out a long sigh. Sometimes you have to sacrifice your weekends to survive in this lifestyle. I'm a student at Seattle University, studying full-time for my Bachelor's in Science of Nursing degree – call it BSN for short – and a part-time employee at the Grind, a local cafe located a couple minutes away from campus. The short distance is truly a convenience, considering that my weekday schedule is pretty much set in stone: nursing school from 7:00 to 12:00, work from 1:00 to 6:00, followed by the gym, then a couple hours, if not more, studying, reading, writing, reiterating, breathing all things nursing/medical related.

Does this certain drug require me to inject the patient on the arm, leg or the ass?

How far shall I stab the injection into said patient?

What are the different side effects from taking this specific medication orally? Through inhalation? What about suppository aka anally?

Yes, I must know it all, and much, much more.

This 'murse' to-be doesn't have the luxury nor time to fuck around, as utterly devastating as that sounds. Aside from the (selected) weekends, my life as a 22-year-old is a constant cycle of how-do-I-even-adult and study-work-sleep-repeat. Heck, it may not be the most care-free life, but it's a life that I've chosen and grown accustomed to, perhaps even love. It's not impossible, but it's definitely hard.

Yet somehow, through the haze of my systematic schedule, I always find just enough time to keep the feeling of impending self-destruction at bay. I'll do some activity that keeps my mind and body vigorous, like hit the weights, go for a run, bike the coast, explore the heart of the city, or, if I'm feeling a little more nomadic and less urban, maybe even hike the trails down at Bellevue with my roommate. Seattle is a bustling and dynamic city, surrounded by the beauty of the Washington landscape, and perfect for the physically adventurous and mentally devoted, such as myself.

Life's nice here.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Oh, shit!" I jump from the sudden blaring from my nightstand and glare at its source. "Stupid alarm clock."

It's 6:30 now.

With an audible huff, I push the comforter aside and immediately wish that I hadn't. The air surrounding me is thin and cold, and I can't help but scrutinize myself for the lack of clothing on my skin, or rather, not on my skin. I run to the closet and slip on the gray robe I had bought from Target just a couple of days ago. It's incredibly plush, warming the goosebumps that crawl against my skin. Definitely a smart investment.

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