The Basics

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INFJs make up approximately 1-2% of the world's population, making them the rarest personality. I can not be expected to just jump straight into the description of this personality type without first providing some basic explanation about the meaning of the term "INFJ".

I - Introverted
N - iNtuition
F - Extraverted Feeling (Fe)
J - Judging

Introversion does not imply being silent. It merely implies that one expends energy when in the company of  others, whereas an extrovert will obtain energy in the presence of others. Generally, INFJs are perceived as being a form of "eccentric" extroverts, being hard to decipher and understand. For example, on a specific day an INFJ will be outgoing, leading conversations enthusiastically, whereas the next day he / she will be perceived as being "quiet" or "distant". This is not indicative of a festering problem, nor anything personal. As INFJs, we seek to have a balance between interaction and solitude, with solitude usually enjoying preference.

The most interesting trait of the INFJ is their ability to use their intuition. INFJs take in numerous pieces of information that you give them the way you act around them and others. This includes:
• How you speak
• How you treat others
• How you walk
• How nervous you are in company of others
• Your body language

These factors are all small yet vital pieces of how an INFJ will view you as an individual and how he / she will treat you.

Additionally, INFJs utilise their extraverted feelings as a way to improve the emotional state of others and to help others resolve their personal issues. Combined with their intuition, they can identify what response to use when they notice someone is depressed, although they do have a difficult time with managing and understanding their own emotions.

Now what would Fe be without Extraverted Judging (Je)? We obviously need to express ourselves in forms of opinion differences and grief.

Now we have a tertiary function called the Introverted Thinking (Ti). This we can easily put to use in order to solve a problem analytically if it can't be solved and helps us to ensure that the Ni Fe parts of our personalities are working correctly. However this Ti function can cause us to start doubting ourselves, which can lead to major... Major problems.

Now we have an Inferior function; And yes it's possible to have one if you have a dominant trait too. Anyway this inferior function is called Extraverted Sensing (Se).

In basics, this means we are less tuned in to hard details and physical elements of life. We rarely ever notice specifics about you, we just merely form an impression we get of you.

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