Chapter ii

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*** I would like to thank everyone's support for this story so far! The first chapter has been posted for 48 hours and it's already been #46 Fan Fiction and #116 Fantasy :)

WARNING: I will not be posting this often on a regular basis, however. This is a rarity, so enjoy it!


The train whistled, signaling that it was almost ready to depart from the station. After an awkward and short goodbye to my father, I dragged my trunk into the train, just in time; the moment I stepped onto the train, the magical doors closed automatically behind me as the train began to pull forward. I started walking down the aisle to find an available compartment.

It seemed that most of the older students had already found their friends and settled down in a compartment. Most of the other kids milling about the aisles seemed about my age: first years who hadn't made any friends yet. Suddenly, I caught sight of Priscilla Parkinson and Miranda Bulstrode sitting in a compartment. Their fathers and my father were very good friends, so we saw each other fairly often. They were some of my closest friends, so when I spotted them, I ran in and said hello.

"Breyanna, it's been so long since we've seen you!" Miranda exclaimed.

Priscilla added, "I'm so glad you found us, we were worried that you might have to sit all by yourself. How have you been?" And without waiting for a reply, she continued, "We were just talking about the two blood-traitors in our grade, those filthy Weasley twins."

"Eurgh, have you seen the state of their robes? They look like hand-me-downs!" Miranda said, spitting the word as if "hand-me-down" were a bad word.

"I mean, they must go crazy, the parents, having to look after all those kids. There's so many of them!" I said.

"If only that woman would keep her legs crossed, then they wouldn't be so damn poor!" said Priscilla, laughing. "Have you seen Ashley's new haircut?"

Miranda started laughing as well, her long auburn hair falling in her face. "It looks like someone poured bleach all over her head!"

"And then ran a lawn mower over it," I added. "I have no clue as to why someone would do that to their hair.."

The time flew quickly with all of our chatting. Blaise always said that we gossiped like old women, just a lot meaner. Eventually, though, I had to use the loo, so I excused myself. But when I saw the trolley lady, I got a bit sidetracked by my growling stomach. I picked out a Pumpkin Pasty and two Chocolate Frogs and started to reach for a box of Every Flavor Beans, but someone got to it first. I looked up and saw one of the Weasley twins, the one who had returned my bag to me in Diagon Alley.

"Oops, sorry, didn't mean to take the last one- hey, don't I know you?" he asked.

I was about to respond, "Yes, I do know you", but at that moment, Priscilla and Miranda appeared at my shoulder.

"Mmm, Chocolate Frogs-- er, do we know you?" Priscilla asked Fred.

"Um, I was buying my wand at the same time Breyanna was," he said. When I gave him a blank look, he continued, "Our wands had twin cores, remember?"

"Hmm. It must've slipped my mind, I suppose," I responded airily. Lying, of course. I turned around, leaving the box of Bertie Bott's Beans, and walked back to the compartment, Miranda and Priscilla on either side of me.

"Breyanna," asked Miranda as we sat back down again, "did you actually know that weasel?"

I scoffed. "Of course not. I don't know what that tosser was going on about. I've never seen that disgusting muggle-lover before in my life."

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