Chapter 2

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Lately Jason has been really quiet and mysterious.. like he's hiding something from everyone.. I walked downstairs and saw Jerome ànd Mitch on the couch watching tv. "Hey guys.. can i talk to you?" I questioned. They turned their attention to me.

"Yeah! What's up?" Jerome asked. Mitch and Jerome moved over so I could sit down.

"Have you guys noticed how Jason has been acting lately?.."

"Yeah.. I was planning on asking him about that.." Mitch replied.

"Let's go ahead and ask then." Smelly ( a/n: but adorable) Bacca suggested.

I got out my phone and invited Jason over to talk.


Oh god.. did they know my secrets? How?! How'd they find out! I always wear a beanie.. unless while i was sleeping they looked under it.. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. How do i fix this?! I thought to myself as i walked to Mitch, Fluffy, and Adam's house. I cautiously knocked on the door; As i waited, i adjusted my beanie, making sure my ears/tail were completely hidden.

"Hello?" Mitch mumbled as he opened the door. "Oh, hey Jason, come in"

"Okay..." I whispered as i walked into the large living room and sat on the couch.

Adam, Jerome, and Mitch all sat down and stared at me, making me uncomfortable and nervous..

"We have a question to ask..." Adam informed. "Why have you been so quiet and distant lately?"

"Oh.. I've just been thinking about something lately.. It's nothing you need to worry about, Sky.. I'm fine."

"LIES!!!" Jerome and Mitched screamed, causing me to jump about 50 feet in the air. (A/N: my english teacher recently got on to me about hyperboles, ; <- these things that i forgot the name of, and other crap, but im smart now.. so im trying to type this up as correct as possible, to make her happy .-.)

"Tell the truth, Jason.." Adam looked into my eyes, there was seriousness in his eyes.. i could tell he was trying not to burst out laughing....

"It's nothing!!!" I yelled, running out the front door, slamming it behind me; and i tried to get as far away as possible.


"Jason!" I yelled, opening the door and trying to see where he went off to.

Well fuck...


This was a longer chapter.. I have a hard time writing because i write this off the top of my head and I'm on my nook, not a laptop.. anyways, Like dis story, vote for it, do the chicken dance, idek

I hope you liked it..

If you read this put this in the comments: Shabootyquiqui b twerking in a cow costume (dont ask)

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