Chapter Eleven

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I do not simply understand what was happening in the world-particularly within my family, my life. Crazy world, I do not know what to do anymore, and add up the pressure with my History homework from our tutor.

It was already a day after Papa's big revelation  and Tatiana was true to her words, and I on the other was still recovering from shock. Alexei was also recovering, there were only few bandages on him.

Mama and Olga has been spending time reading (as usual) but they mostly pray for Alexei's recovery, with Rasputin gone for... awhile, the Doctors and God himself was our greatest hope. The maids has been tending to him like every five minutes, literally. The palace was mostly quiet and a bit dark, I guess with the war and Alexei's situation, everything seemed so gloomy. And I hate gloomy things.

And to add things, the whole 'Secret Twin' matter was too big to be absorbed so quickly. Because, as far as I am concern, I have the biggest pressure on the matter among the siblings and I haven't had a talk with Mama yet with the situation. I wonder if she knew already that Papa has already told us the biggest shock of my life, probably but with things going on, I rarely see Mama to know what's her reaction and all.

Tatiana has been checking up on me and asking me some sorts of question, some were almost ridiculous. I guess, with what happened, she became more...uh, what do you call it? Protective? No. Caring? Maybe yes. I swear, if this continues, me and Tanya would be best of friends than we ever were and that would give Olga the biggest shock of her life, or maybe second if she found out that there is a Romanov sister outside the palace walls.

And as if on cue, there was a knock on the door. I opened it and wasn't all too suprise to see Tanya on the door this day...again. I let her in as always, and let her settled on my bed.

"Anastasia, you'd think the other members of the family knows about this? I mean, the extended ones"

I gave her a shrug, but I have a feeling they don't or they would be taunting Papa by now and then. "I do not know, maybe no"

"When would Papa tell the others? They do have the right to know" She looked torwards Maria's clean bed.

Again, I gave her a shrug, "I do not know as well..."

She turned to me and gave me a frown, "Is that the only thing you can really say?" She asked with the hint of irritation in her voice.

"You should know already I have no strong opinions on these seemingly complicated matters, I'm still learning to absorb the details. Besides, between us, you're the wiser and more mature"

Did I just said that out loud? Well, anyways, it wasn't that I was giving her the idea that I was dim-witted or something, and she's the older one so she must have the answer, not me.

"I guess so. I'll take that as a compliment from you" she smiled.

"Enjoy it Tanya while it lasts..." I gave her a smirk, "Because this will be your first and last. I have no further plans to compliment you again"

Tatiana scoffed, "Yeah right. As far as I remember, you complimented me with my works when you were eleven years old. You just grew up more of a complete imp"

I looked at her with an asking demeanour, "I don't remember doing that"

"You're ought to forget the wonderful things you did"

"So, you admit I do wonderful things, even I'm a...brat? I'll take that as a compliment"

She laughed.

Finally, someone in the palace finally laughed. Oh, how much I miss it. Even I, didn't laugh anymore with the outgoing war.

I smiled warmly, I hope I can make more people laugh.

"Enjoy it Nastya while it last..." she mimicked my actions earlier, "Because this will be your first and last. I have no further plans to compliment you again" she smirked at me.

"Haha, very funny"

We got interrupted when there was a knock on the door, but the person didn't wait for me to respond and it revealed it was Maria. She was carrying books and parchments. She seemed a bit suprise to see us.

"Tanya, didn't know you were here. Olga was looking for you" she went to her bed and placed all her things on the table and then turned to us, "Alexei has finally managed to stand up a bit"

"That's good" Tatiana said with a smile.

"It's a brilliant news!" I almost yelled out of joy. Finally, Alexei can walk again! But I have this feeling that Mama won't let me pass dinner with peace tonight. Oh goodness heavens.

"It is..." Maria smiled, "Anyways, Olga has been searching for you Tanya. She said she has something to ask"

"Well, if that's the case then I'll be on my way" she looked at me and gave me a small smile, her eyes were quite happy, "Natsya, don't think this is the last time you'll compliment me"

I smirked at her, "Really? Let's see"

"Bye. Behave, especially you" she point torwards me, "Maria, you know what to do" with that she finally left. I frowned and turned to Maria who was writing.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked in particular, Maria who just smiled at me.

Seriously, what's with secrets these days?

"How are you darling?" Mama asked Alexei with her sweer but a little nervous voice. It was dinner, and finally Alexei was able to join us, but he didn't looked like he had am appetite.

"I'm recovering Mama.." Alexei put down his fork and looked at Mama and Papa, his eyes were still tired, "I do hope I can play again after a few days. I already miss the warmth of the outside world"

Papa sadly smiled at him while Mama gave him a small frown and put down her fork, "You must undergo full recovery Alexei"

"I know"

Alexei didn't argue with Mama anymore, knowing he had no chance of winning over and given the exhausted situation he was in. It was hard for all of us, even though we didn't practically share his still pained us. Mama looked at Papa with a pained expression and I looked at Tatiana who gave me a reassuring smile.

Dinner went on with little to no conversation or small words. I thought Mama would give me another round of lecture but I was suprised she didn't. Maybe it was because of the atmosphere and the events happening. I began to wonder if Papa told her already, it would at least shaken off the anxiety I was feeling. For now, I had some things to do with my time, like doing assignments and sketching for stress release (don't ask). It has been quite a day, really. Though, I was glad Alexei managed to walk again, what happened a few days earlier really scared me to death I felt totally guilty and responsible for his pain. I just hope I don't do the same again in the future.



Hello there lovely people of Wattpad. It's been awhile, don't you think? Okay, it has been nearly a year or so, but I got total writer's block for this and I was still having one on my other stories. Sorry for THE LONG WAIT, I hope you forgive me for the hiatus.

See 'ya next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2017 ⏰

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