Chapter three

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Today is now 6th of June, just after the birthday of my youngest daugther. It seems the party that I threw made Anastasia happy and all of my children...if I can really say all. I still feel guilty about abandoning my daughter Anna, what would she look like now? Did Ekaterina take good care of her?

Knock knock knock

"Papa, can I come in?" A childish voice said, the voice of my impish daughter Anastasia.

"Sure, the door is open" she came inside with a wide smile on her face, her 15 is still childish, that is one of my reasons why I call her shivbzik. I wonder if Anna is also an imp.

"Papa, спасибо (spasibo) for the ball" she said hugging me warmly.

"For you my shivbzik, did you enjoy it?" She pulled away from the hug and think.

"Of course papa! It's just...those men danced with me, made me a little unease" she said shyly, but she didn't blushed or anything. This made me laughed a bit.

"Well, you need to learn not to be unease when dancing with fine and handsome men, you don't know, one of them can be your husband, one of them will just propose to you" I jokingly said, this now made Anastasia blushed crimson red with an embarrassed look, this made me laughed.

"Papa! As what I said, I'm not into these things, say this to Maria, I am sure, she will smile wide" she said, she was still blushing.

"Then why are you blushing?" I jokingly asked, this made her sweat a bit.


"Okay, okay, I'm just joking"

"Well papa, you did made a very good joke, keep it up" she said and she thumbs up.

"I will try" she then left, walking like...childish.

I wonder if Anna and Anastasia are the same. What would the children think if I tell them the truth? Will they be happy for they have another sibling, will they be shock, or much worse, will they be angry and don't accept her? But I am sure they will accept her, especially Maria and Anastasia, or even my son Alexei will too, the big pair is what I think of, what would Olga and Tatiana think about it?

Author's note
I am so sorry, 100x very sorry for the short chapter, like such a short chapter, I made this way for a conversation between Nicholas and Anastasia, don't worry, I promise, I will make a long chapter next time...I am just running out of ideas for this chapter, and I'm not feeling well since yesterday, I have a cough, and I expect that I am going to have a common cold any time soon. Sorry

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