Chapter 7- The plan

Start from the beginning

Me: Bye <3

Hayley logged off. I can't believe that she isn't pissed at Julian for saying that, but then again she wasn't friends with her like I was, now that I know Hayley I actually feel bad for her, me and Julian bullied her alot


There she was, looking all sweet and innocent like she had no problems in her life, I wish I was her just for that moment.

"Hey, look there's Hayley want to go mess with her?" Julian asked me

"Yeah sure"  I said

Julian and I walk up to Hayley and her friend Alison. Julian pushes Hayley

"Hey what was that for?" Hayley asked

"Oh that was for bugging me" Alison said

"I didn't do anything so I'm not bugging you" Hayley said

"Your bugging me by being at this school" Julian said

"Well your just going to have to  live with me" Hayley said

"Not if I get you suspended" Julian said

"Why would you get me suspended?" Hayley asked

"Oh I don't know, for egging the principle's car" Julian said

"What? I didn't do that! You did it" Hayley said

"Not yet, but if you keep bugging me then I will" Julian said

"Well it's kind of hard to stop bugging someone when there not doing anything!" Hayley said

"Then don't talk to me, look at me, or even walk in the hall that I'm walking in then you won't bug me" Julian said

"Why would anyone want to look at an ugly bitch like you?" Hayley said

"You know Hayley, you should really be asking your self that question" Julian said

"Can you just leave me alone" Hayley said

"I will if you quit bugging me" Julian said

"Look! I am not bugging you! I don't even talk to you! You just come and talk to me, so how can I bug you?" Hayley said and punched Julian in the nose

"You bitch!" Julian said.

"Julian, let's go before things get out of hand" I said

"No, let's not go you still haven't made fun of her and that was the exact point of coming over here" Julian said

I punched Hayley in the eye and said:

"Yeah that's right bitch"

Hayley tried to punch me back, but I ducked and she ended up punching Julian in the nose again. Julian started crying. Hayley came up to her to see if she was okay. I had a water bottle in backpack and opened it and poured it on Hayley, her hair was all wet and you could she her pink bra threw her t-shirt.

Hayley got up and punched me in the nose it hurt alot, I tried to punch her back, but was held back by a teacher. We all got detention except Alison, she left half way though the fight.

End of Flashback

Braden, and Hayley were right! It didn't matter what other people thought of me, it's just one person out of 1 billion people in the world. The only thing that matter's is that Hayley and I are together, nobody else. I guess we don't need to go to the principle office after all. I looked at Julian's post one more time and decided that I had to say something so I posted this:

Julian, can you just stop it? So what if I like girls, so what if a boy likes boys? It's no different then a girl liking a boy, all that matters is that we love/like each other. So you can just stop it okay? I'm not going to let you bully me just bc of I like a girl! I trusted you Julian with my secrets, and you trusted me. Maybe I should tell people you secrets, even tho me being a lesbian isn't a secret I should still get my revenge on you. Watch out Julian I'm coming to get ya

After I posted the message, I sent a message to Hayley saying:  We don't have to go to the principle's office tommorow, I'm fine with people making fun of me and you. All that matter's is that we love/like each other, text you later <3

I turned off my laptop and went to my brother's room, I knocked on the door.

"Come in" Braden said. I walked in, to see him watching tv it looked like he was watching Jersey Shore, I never watched that show I think it's so stupid, he probably just watched it because of Snookie.

"Can we talk" I ask him

"Sure, what about?" He ask's turning the volume down.

"I realised that you are right, it doesn't matter what other's think of me, the only thing that matters is that me and Hayley are together, so you don't have to drive us to the principles office tomorrow." I told him.

"Are you sure?" He asked me

"I'm sure, but you can help me with something" I told him

"What do you need help with" He asked

"Revenge, on Julian" I said.


Hey guy's sorry I haven't updated in awhile been busy. I know that the fight scene wasn't the best but oh well. Hope you like it! Oh and I'm not sure what guy's watch on tv so I just put Jersey Shore, if you want to suggest something comment below and I will put it in.





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