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Looks like I got tagged once again by CrazyNoisyBizarreArt
Oh boi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I believe in this one, we give random facts about ourselves.
Here I go.

1) This might sound edgy as fuck, but I actually decided to watch JoJo's Bizarre Adventure during my depression days. Rip. Obviously, I won't say why for personal reasons, but I will say that it helped me through a lot and it stopped me from thinking of the sad things that got in the way.

2) Jotaro might be hot, but I consider him one of my least favorites along with Jonathan because he doesn't develop much in the series until later.

3) I'm not a yaoi person. I honestly and genuinely hate most (not all) yaoi fanbases for shipping things like Shizaya and Sebastian x Ciel. Sorry, that's just how I think. Some fangirls are pretty cool though <u< I find myself ironically reading yaoi doujins, even stumbling upon a Pet Shop x Iggy somewhere on Tumblr. Kill me please.

4) I don't know why, but I hate wearing (specifically jean) pants. I'm more comfortable with skirts and if I'm at home, shorts. Though, I think wearing shorts are a bit 'revealing' outside, I do wear it underneath my skirts.

5) Teasing, trolling, and shitposting are my specialties.

5) Teasing, trolling, and shitposting are my specialties

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6) Josuke is my husband because he t h i c c <3

7) rICE iS mY fUCKING Life.
Favorite side dish 69/10

8) I might as well be a pussy for being scared of lots of shit. Things like spiders, death, insects, and sometimes height gives me the spooks.

9) I've never been severely injured before, but the worse that's happened to me is two dogs scratching and biting my buttocks. YES. MY. FUCKING. BUTTOCKS. They must've been thirsty.

10) My favorite animes ever have always been the Durarara!! and the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series.

11) I've always watched anime as a kiddo, since they'd constantly play DBZ and Naruto on Cartoon Network and Nicktoons. We did also have Funimation (used to play Evangelion ;-;) before it got replaced with Sprout (the show for toddlers that used to show the Wiggles I think). Other than that, most of my family is also heavy on mecha anime. (I think my uncles watch hentai as well -violent coughing-.)

12) I used to have a pet hamster named Max with a mohawk, but he unfortunately died back in fourth grade. I also had a history of fishes I owned dropped in a toilet or sink ;-;. I remember one named Nemo and another one named Rainbow.

13) Being a Filipino, I watch a lot of Filipino dramas during prime time, but I hate almost all of the dramas for their cliches and terrible writing. However, I've grown to ironically like them.

Well, I guess you know more about me now lmao.
I think we're supposed to tag 10 people? e.e
Fuck that shit. Too lazy and I don't have much friends so <u<
DeanCeiliper suffer faggot

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2016 ⏰

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