New Friend

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Above is her home.
Elementary school was great... At least for the first few weeks. She loved school but about five weeks into school, before any of her six brothers could get a job at the elementary school. I will just show you what happened, on Monday, on the 5th week of school, I went to school, like every other day. Class was fine, like usual. But, at nap time (i know!! I am jealous too) some of the strongest boys came up to me.
"Hey! Look what we got boys! A little adopted girl! Ha!" Jake, the leader of these three boys said to me.
"Ha! Yah I bet she dies within the first chapter of her story!" Louis said.
"If not the first sentence!" Josh, the last boy said to me.
Then, they drug me into a closet and started to kick me in the ribs. Luckily for me, they didn't break anything. I could usually tell if something was broken because of all of the injuries that I have seen in my life. As a princess you would be surprised at how many people I see every week because of an injury.
They boys do the same thing to me every say at the same time luckily nothing is broken and I can hide it easily from my brothers.
Friday is when everything changed. When I was getting bullied like I have been all week, a girl hears us inside she magically breaks down the door and I instantly recognized her as the genie's daughter Crystal.
"Leave her alone! Or do I have to do the same thing that I did last time I saw you beating up a kid!" She said and with the wiggle of her fingers, they ran away like little dogs with their tail in between their legs.
When we finally locked eyes we instantly knew that we would be friends for ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2016 ⏰

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