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She stood there calmly. She didn't move except to dodge his attacks. A white mask rested on her face. She was covered in a black cloak that hid everything aside from her masked face. Underneath her mask, her face showed no emotions. She stopped dodging and watched blankly as he stabbed her shoulder, tearing at the cloth. She removed the entire cloak as it was now ripped and useless. The man gasped in fear as he looked at the monster before him. She had white skin with red markings and circular red eyebrows. Her clawed hands and feet were red along with the end of her sharp tail and the long red horns at the top of her head. Her pale ears were long and pointed and stuck out, and the sclera of her eyes were black while the pupils were red. Black hair flowed down to the bottom of her bare butt. She slowly pulled the kunai from her shoulder and watched on in boredom as the man's eyes widened in horror. Instead of blood, all that came from the wound was black smoke and a white substance with the same texture of blood. She let it drop to the ground with a thud and looked at the man. Her tail shot forward, whipping and hitting him with impossible speed. Soon all that was left of the man was a mutilated and bloody pile of flesh. She bought her hand up and wiped the blood from her left eye. She was covered in the man's blood.
"It would seem I'll be needing new clothes now." Her voice held no emotion as she spoke to herself. Her skin rippled and began to melt away and her hair fell away in clumps before growing back. Soon, standing in her place was a teenage girl with blank red eyes, pale skin and short, neck length black hair. Red stitches lined her neck and wrapped around her arms and fingers. Four stitches were sewed into the right side of her bottom lip and underneath her right eye were three more. Her nails were short and red. She walked to a nearby stream and began to wash the blood off of herself, taking the man's intact shirt with her. When she was finished, she slipped into the oversized shirt that went to her knees. There was a little bit of blood on it but it was hardly noticeable. She began to walk in the direction of the nearest town, which just so happened to be the leaf village. Black smoke began to dance around her ankles as two wolves materialized on either side of her. One was the size of a normal wolf and had white fur with a black mane going down its neck and a black circle on its forehead. The other was much larger, about the size of a teenager. This one had a black and white tail; each time the color changed, there was a thick red and gold band with turquoise crystals that separated the colors. This one's body was white, and it also had a much larger, black mane. It's face was white and triangular, and large pointy white ears stuck straight up. It had the same red marking on its face as it's owners true form. Two gold bells hung from its neck.
"Lady Wolf." It growled out. She rubbed his side gently.
"We will make a home of the next place we happen upon, my pets." she said. They both let out a growl as form of agreement.
"Nabahishi, you will stay with me. Kiminisu, you will remain in the shadows." She said to the two wolves. The smaller of the two pawed at the ground before disappearing in a swirl of black smoke. Soon, Lady Wolf and Nabahishi came upon the large gates of the hidden leaf. There was no trouble for them getting in. They simply disappeared in a swirl of black smoke before reappearing in the Hokage's office.
"Sarutobi." She spoke. He looked up, startled. He didn't recognize the girl before him, but when he saw the wolf that was with her, recognition pooled in his eyes.
"Why are you here Lady Wolf?" He asked respectfully. He knew that should he disrespect her, the consequences would be dire.
"I only thought it wise to inform you of my plans so as not to stir up unnecessary ripples. I will be taking up residence here. I will act as one of your genin students and you will put me on a team and make all the necessary arrangements." She spoke. Her voice was emotionless as it always was and her face and eyes gave away nothing.
"Of course Lady Wolf." He bowed his head, not bothering to get up. She turned and disappeared in a swirl of smoke without another word. Sarutobi, having an idea of where she was headed, immediately notified Iruka.
When she arrived, Iruka was standing just outside of the classroom door with a slightly fearful look on his face.
"Lady wolf." He greeted nervously. She set her blank stare on him.
"These students need not know of me. Refer to me as Tyen in their prescence, do not address me as a friend. You will use an honorific." She ordered. He nodded rapidly before opening the door for her. She walked in slowly. Her stance was perfectly straight and her movements were graceful and almost unnoticeable.
"Class, this is Tyen-sama. Please show her respect and do not attempt anything funny with her. No questions for today. She is your new classmate and that's about all you need to know." He said. The seriousness in his voice caused the students to be completely silenced as curiosity invaded their minds.
Who is she? Why did he call her sama? What happens if we disrespect her? Why does she look like that? How'd she get those stitches and why?
These were the thoughts that plagued every mind of every student in the classroom.
"Tyen-sama, you can choose any seat you wish." He said. She looked around, opting to sit next to a quiet Uchiha. Nobody knew her reason for returning, but if they knew Lady Wolf then they knew one thing; somebody was going to be paying a hefty debt very, very soon.

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