Chapter 1

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Kellie's POV

Life isn't just something you take advantage of, hoping that people will give you the chance you've always been looking for. However, it's not just merely enjoying oneself and doing whatever you like most. It's also something more.

Anyway, who cares if I, Kellie Alissa Violet, can't be myself? Why do people have to be such judgemental? What's wrong with any of them? So, why should I suffer when I could be happy with my friends? I know, I'm sounding beyond repetitive, but people need to understand me, otherwise it'll be way too late.

Well, at least Ashlinn and Braylee understand me. Speaking of them, they're coming just right now: I promised I would surprise them, but I really fear to disappoint them.

"Hey!" I overhear Ashlinn giggle while exclaiming, "I can't wait to see what you've prepared for us." Naturally, Braylee is giggling back; however, her giggle is turning into violent laughter.

I hand them two envelopes, a red one for Ashlinn and a green one for Braylee. On each of them, there are written, respectively, their full names: Ashlinn Adlee Miller and Braylee Lilith Jennessey. "Open them," I command, trying not to sound too authoritative; nonetheless, it seems as I'm obtaining the opposite effect.

Ashlinn is clearly the most annoyed between the two of them: well, she doesn't like being told what to do, especially by me, but it doesn't seem as I can let go of this habit. On the other hand, Braylee just hopes it's a letter from a secret admirer. Nothing could be farther from being what I intended writing.


Braylee is the first one to open the envelope; Ashlinn follows shortly after. They both look confused as they start reading the first line aloud.

"All my life is a bunch of lost hopes," recites the first line read by Ashlinn. On the other hand, Braylee's says, "If I were to have a second chance." Neither of them seems to have understood the meaning of the quotes, yet I don't want them to know such easily.

"Come on, Kellie, don't be such mysterious. Tell us what those lines mean..." Right now, Ashlinn is being downright pushy. I know she wants to know the truth behind those lines, but I can't just tell her and Braylee, like nothing would happen. There will be consequences, and they'll be definitely hard to deal with.

"Tell us!" Now, Ashlinn is frustrated. However, this feeling is making me want to punch her face instead of even talking to her. Really, her attitude is annoying me, as much as Braylee's frowns. Is there the chance my friends refrain from being rude? If not, that means I'm just wasting my time with them and that I should probably leave.

"Okay. I give up. I'm gonna tell you everything," I decide. "But then, I expect you not to criticize my reasons for doing what I did." They both nod, unconvinced. I think they're perceiving my words as a threat, which however, they should know, are anything but.

"Those are lines of two different songs. I picked them as I thought they would perfectly represent you. Okay, that may not be exactly true, but this is what I think. I liked them, that's it." While saying that, I notice my friends are giving me cold glares, maybe as a sign that they don't appreciate what I did for them at all: if so, that would be absolutely shocking.

"So, it's just a sign of appreciation," comments Braylee. "I thought it would have a deeper meaning, Kellie. Let me say that, I'm disappointed in what you did. I expected more-"

I immediately cut her off, not liking her attitude and believing she should really let go of it. "Listen carefully, Braylee. I'm fed up of hearing you and Ashlinn venting your dissatisfaction because I don't meet your freaking expectations!" Tears pour down my face, yet she stays unsympathetic and even crosses her arms, with Ashlinn immediately following her.

I can't believe my friends are so cold and overdemanding! I mean, we've been knowing each other for over a decade. What's going on with all of us? All of a sudden, they turned into little brats. Well, to be honest, I don't need drama in my life. I want my friends to be back themselves!

"Kellie, I'm sorry for reacting that way." Braylee isn't even looking at me while apologizing; maybe she's too ashamed to do so, after what she said before. "I have to confess something."

"What?" I'm petrified. I can't even believe she's hiding something. This is why she and Ashlinn are so strange now. I mean, if I ever did anything wrong to them, they would have the right to tell me and I'd have to pay the consequences of my actions. Easy, isn't it?

Yes. Easier... said than done, though. I can't just assume they're acting weird because of some secrets. There must be something way more complex behind.

"Well... those lines... I said they were a disappointment to me because... well..." Braylee is visibly stuttering, something she isn't used to doing often as she almost always looks confident. "I got another couple of lines sent."

"Who do those come from, a secret admirer?" mock asks Ashlinn, all while laughing loud. Still, her laughter sounds strange, unnatural, even forced. I can clearly see she's afraid of telling me something I might be displeased of.

"Ashlinn! That's not funny, unless you pretend to think Leighanna is a secret admirer!" Braylee, clearly upset, has just pronounced that name quickly on purpose, hoping that I wouldn't hear it, yet it backfired. I've just caught her red-handed, because she's literally scared of her, and I can understand those situations perfectly.

"What's the problem with her?" I ask slowly, trying to avoid pronouncing that name for my friends' sake, since I would only cause more trouble should I let it out even by chance.

"Well, the matter is... serious. She wants to be part of the group," explains Ashlinn, shocked for saying those words. "The hard part is that we don't want her, or, at least, it's me who doesn't want to deal with her."

Now the situation is much clearer. If that girl really wants to be one of us, then we must be certain to get ready for the worst part. I'm not fond of even having her around: becoming her friend is the last thing I'd ever want to do in my life. I have no time to waste with such a midge.

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