Ch. 3 the real begining

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(An) I COULDENT STAND NOT POASTING MORE! so here is another chapter!

We found a sheep and brought it back to the end. Without killing it, i carried the lamb to one of the pillars. I waited for the dragon to come, wen it did it quickly turned into its half human form. I stood in tarror, i couldent move. "Ah, a new comer. i see you have a gift, is there somthing you wish of?" He asked in a deep devilish voise "i wonted to know why i was turned half ender." I said sheepishly, i felt like telaporting away after i said that, but fought the urge to do so. "I see, come with me." He said, and i felt like not trusting him, but i did... I quickly told erika i would telaport her back, becouse it wasent safe. I went back to the dragon human and we entered his castle that was built underground. "This is were you can lern the enders history, no full human has ever lerned this, and your the first half ender that has come here- well of corse im half enderdragon, and i can change... So i dont count." He siad and gave me a book, it had a few letters on it that were in ender. "I-i cant read ender, only speack it." I siad, i had only knoun ender from the curse "i see, i know you know how to fix that." He siad, i knew he was talking about the sorcery i had mastered before. I took out the other book i had gotten before the opelipse. I enchanted the words and BAM, the words changed to english.

(An) IS THIS A CLIFF HANGER?! I DONNO! I think i had to mutch soda, ANYWAY SEE YA NEXT TIME!!!!

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