Ch. 2 the travel

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I finished crafting two sords for the both of us, they were diamond. We were going to the end, i wonted this curse to be broken, "i got them done!" I told erika, she was crafting two diamond helms for the both of us. We would only fight if we needed to. "Ok, im almoast done with the helmets also." She said, we would need protection just incase if we realy had to go into battle. I had lerned a bit of sorsery from wen we were in that vilage that had been atacked three years ago.

We new were the end portal was, sowe jumped in. I saw the enderdragon and endermen from the obby platform. I jumped off, knowing the enders would trust me more than a full human. Not one ender atacked, "erika, dont look them in the eye!" I warned her, knowing there could be a posible bloodbath if she did. "Oh, thanks! I forgot!" She yelled abck and looked at the enless void. I tern around to see the enderdragon, it was odd enough that i could hear the endermen having conversarions. Bt listening to them i found out that the ender dragon could tern into some kind of half human half dragon thing, (an: NOT ENDERLOX! I WAS ONLY ENSPIRED TO DO A HLF HUMAN HALF DRAGON!)

This was my chance! I tryed to tap one of the endermen on the sholder but couldent reach "um, exuse me sir, bit is there a way i could talk to the ender dragon?" I said shyly in ender "you need to sacrafise somthing, like an animal from the over world... The enderdragon can not go there for it is forbiden." He said, listening to an enders voise is vary creepy if your not yoused to it. "Thank you sir." I siad and telaported erika and i back home. "Woah what?" Ahe said wen she saw that we were back home, "come on, were getting a sheep." I said and she fallowed, she problibly new why.

(An) 2nd chapter done! Stay tuned next time to fid out if the dragon will eccept the sheep wen i find it! As in my oc... Anyway you will see!

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