It Is Yours

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Kenya walks onto the bottom floor of Roswell towers wearing her favorite white blouse and tan pant suit with the pearls her grandmother gave to her upon her graduation from highschool, matching earrings, her most comfortable pair of black pumps and her hair pinned up in a bun. Walking up to the gound floor receptionist

"Hello Im here for an Interview with Mister Roswell?" looking up from the computer the receptionist points to the elevator "take it to the 15th floor once you exit take a right and walk down the hall I will buzz Mr.Roswell's secretary and let her know youre here."

Smiling greatfully Kenya steps onto the elevator with a blonde female that looked like she just stepped off a runway. wearing prada from head to toe and looking like she was on a mission.

Standing in the elevator tapping her foot impatiently and waiting for the doors to open the silence deafening "Hello my name is Kenya..." The blonde looks over, a sneer on her face "...and your point is?" Praying for the elevator to speed up Kenya smiles as she hears the doors open then stepping onto the fifteenth floor and gasping as she looks around taking in the large windows and the beautiful sculptures and paintings in the hall along the walls.

"Hello Im Kenya and im here for the interview with Mr.Roswell" the receptionist smiles telling her to have a seat because Mr.Roswell was busy. She asks if Kenya wanted any refreshments while she waited "No thank you" Kenya says then she begins reading through the latest O magazine.

Thirty minutes later just as she was getting into an article about french bull dogs the office door opens and the blonde steps out pulling her skirt down turning and smiling at who ever was on the other side of the door "Grantie poo we have to do this again sometime..." The blonde purrs licking her lips then walking away hips swinging.

"Grant Your 12 oclock is here..." Kenya's ears perk up as he replys "Thank you Shelly send her in" She stands up from the comfortable chair walking quickly into the large office, coming to a screeching halt as she looks behind the desk coming face to face with the Finest most delicious looking man she had ever laid eyes on.

Feeling slightly paralized she stares before remembering her manners and offering her hand "Hello Im Kenya Price" he stares at her his blue eyes unblinking seemingly staring into her soul then he shakes her hand "Grant Roswell, you may sit" he watches her, his eyes taking in every detail as she sits crossing her legs at the ankles and tucking them under the chair her hands in her lap waiting for him to begin the interview.

After what seemed like a lifetime and six million questions later Grant sat back in his chair thinking for a moment then clearing his throat "Kenya you got the job..your resume is impressive and every question and scenario I threw at you, you had great answers for...welcome to Roswell Industeries."

Eyes wide Kenya jumps up screaming forgetting where she was for a moment. Shocked at her joyous outburst she stops quickly calms down and stares at Grant then sits down again reaching out and shaking his hand "Thank you Mr.Roswell."

At her outburst Grants mouth falls open looking at her face which had completely transformed. His initial reaction to Kenya's appearance threw him off she wasnt a thin Model that was for sure but she was a classic ebony beauty and she was a pretty woman in a good girl nextdoor kinda way but when she smiled wow her face lit up and she made him want to smile along with her but Grant Roswell was a leader not a follower so he masked his reaction and just watched her.

Kenya looks away from him becomming flustered under his watchful eyes. "Thank you again Mr.Roswell" Grant puts his hand up stopping her "Its Grant, Mr.Roswell is my father" she nods "Thank you...Grant" hearing his name coming from her mouth made him shudder slightly he couldnt think of a time when just hearing his name made him want to sleep with a woman but there is a first for everything...

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