New life as a soc

Start from the beginning

"Dar we need to find out what happened between then and the guys at school said that Kitten wouldn't even talk to them and she was dress like a soc she would never do this unless something drive her over boat and someone said something they shouldn't have"

"Soda did something I know it"

"1 more thing the day since she hasn't been here we heard her screaming all of are names and when we got there it was just Soda behind her pulling her waste something trigged her"

"What happened to her hands"

"Oh you can ask her or ask Soda on that I ain't being the one to tell,Can you try to get custody over her cause then she will have to listen to you"

"Yes Dally I will try as hard as I can" An car pulled up and people got out we knew it was Soda and Steve


"Steve oh shit I am dead"

"Yes guys I'm coming"

"Sit down Soda we need to talk to you about something important"

"What happened between you and Kittens cause she hasn't been home since yesterday"

"Well when me and Steve got home we saw her on the porch with the door open and she wasn't moving I think she was thinking of stuff so I went up to her and grabbed her waist and she starting screaming are names and she screamed them again and she starting cry I told her it was only me and the she said she had to talk to me and I said yes we then when up to the room and she told me that when we found her outside with her hand wrapped up she was...was...was trying to kill herself cause of what happened and what is happening and that she didn't know what was getting into herself and she though that nobody liked her. I then said YOU SELFISH LITTLE BITCH YOU THINK THAT CAUSE ALL YOU ARE IS SELFISH. Soda watch your mouth sorry Darry but then after that she said that I DIDN'T  UNDERSTAND AND THAT I NEVER WILL AND THAT SOMETHING BAD HAPPENED IN NEW YORK BUT I GUESS YOU DONT CARE ENOUGH then I said I DO CARE AND I DID BUT YOU HIDE STUFF TO ME AND YOU WANTED TO KILL YOURSELF and then she said SODA ATLEAST I DIDN'T CHEAT ON SOMEONE WHILE THEY WERE  IN THE HOSPITAL and then I said GO LEAVE YOU LITTLE CUNT I HATE YOU AND I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN AND NEVER TALK TO ME AGAIN AND GO DIE WHILE AT IT and she said JUST REMEMBER YOU LOST ME and then she ran out crying"

"Soda watch your mouth"

"Okay Darry Im sorry"

"Soda why would you said that stuff to her what if she kills herself cause of you"

"I was mad"

"Soda just go to your room and you can come down later when dinner is ready"

"Dally why didn't you tell me these things"

"I didn't want ti scare anyone"

"Dally you have to bring her to the doctors when you get her to get her tested for depression cause then if she has it then can give her pills and help her"

"Okay when I get her back ill go right away oh and can you ask her what happened in New York"

"I sure will Dally"

Katelyn's POV:

"Kittens I think it is time to go back home and you know you are welcomed all the time and that my mom and dad are yours too and they consider you as a daughter"

"Yes I know Cherry and I will go home and thanks for being and amazing friend and helping me thought everything in the worse times in life ill see you tomorrow in school Bye Cher"

"Bye Katie"

As I walked out side and I started to walk home and it was like a good 40 min walk but that was okay cause I loved to walk as I got out to the house finally the whole gang where in there I walked up to the door slowly and opened it and Steve jumped up and ran over and hugged me and so did the rest.

"Kits I missed you"They all said but Soda

"Baby girl we were worried sick about you"

"We all know what happened to you and Soda"

"Katelyn you scared me I thought I lost you Forever don't do that again"

"CutiePie can you come to my room so I can talk to you"

"Sure Dar-bear"

When it was finally me and him alone we sat next to each other and he starting talking first.

"CutiePie I know what happened between you and Soda and I'm sorry about that he should have knew better what to say and not to say and I don't ever want you to kill yourself we all care about you to much and I want you to go to a doctors tomorrow to get tested for depression"

"Yes Dar-bear I will and I understand"

"Cutie can you tell me what happened in New York 3 months ago"

"Well the day that I came back well I was supposed to but I got kidnap and dad...umm he rapped me and I'm pregnant by 3 months but nobody knows only you don't tell them I will at the right time"

"Awe Cuties I am so sorry about this and how it happens but you need rest and you need to tell the hole gang straight tomorrow goodnight I love you"

"I love you too"

After he left and went down stairs I fell asleep"


"Dally stop what are you doing"

"Im sorry Kittens but I have to I love you"

"I love you to"I ran and hugged him 1 more time and his kissed my cheek and pulled me away"


"CutiePie wake up wakeup"Darry said as shaking me



"Kittens wake up are you okay" They said as shaking me again

"Kittens Its Darry"

"What just happened is Dally alive"

"Yes baby its only a dream come here"

I went up to him and sat on his lap and buried my head into his chest which he had no shirt on and all the tears were getting on to but he didn't care he lifted up and chin and whipped the tears and kissed my forehead and  said everything will be okay and after that I just buried my head into his chest and went back to bed.

Dallas (Dally) Winstons Little Sister (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now