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Day I Go Home:

Katelyn's POV:

I woke up too Dally stroking his hand through my hair waiting for me to wake up and I finally did I woke up late it was 1:00 in the afternoon.

Hey baby girl ready to go home?

I told Dally that I was ready to go home and so he walked out of the room so I get can dress after that he signed me out and he picked me up and I buried my face into his shoulder and fell asleep.

Dally's POV:

After I signed her out of the hospital I picked her up and she buried her face into my shoulder and fell asleep crying cause she was still upset because of Soda and what he did to her honestly I could just kill him by now the walk was around a good 30 mins to the house I hopes she loves it. When I woke her up I put her down and told her to cover her eyes and she did and when we walked up to the house I told her to up and eyes and she looked in shock and she was all happy she jumped into my arms and said how did you afford this house and I walked in side and they all screamed in surprise cause  they didn't even know that she was out of the coma Two just told them what to do I hope that Soda isn't here I was hoping that he wasn't and he was thats just amazing. I showed Katelyn around the house and then lasted I showed her, her room and she's loved it even  the walk in closet that Chloe and Emily jumped out from she said thanks and I Kissed her on the head and left.

Katelyn's POV:

Dally woke me up and stopped walking and he put me down and told me to close my eyes and we walked up a little then he told me to open my eyes and I did and I saw the house that I was now going to live in I was so happy I jumped into his arms and asked how he afford it but he wouldn't tell me after we walked into the house and they all screamed in surprise when the door  open cause they didn't know that I was out they all ran to me and hugged me tight the last one to hug me was Soda and it was super awarked for me cause I know what he did and then I realize a tears coming down my face and Dally cam and whipped it off before anyone saw.He then gave me a house tour and then last he showed me my room and it was big and there were balloons and a teddy bear from Two and the teddy bear was on my bed I realize that the blankets on my bed were from when I went to New York Two months ago wow. Then he showed me my bathroom it was big and i loved it and the best part was that are rooms connected to the bathroom I was so happy and then last he showed me my closet it was a walk in one I saw all my sneakers there and my clothes and as I walked in Chloe and Emily ran up to me and hugged them I we all missed each other so much. I said thanks Dally I love the hole house its amazing and he kissed me on the head and left I heard the hole gang leave after.

I started to tell Emily and Chloe what Soda did cause we had a lot to catch up on cause we missed 2 months and thats a lot.

Guys Dal...Dally told me today when I woke up that Soda gave up on me and he started to date someone else named Ashley so he cheated on me how could he I couldn't believe and after everything that happened to me, guys do you wanna stay tonight and we can watch movies and dress up tomorrow and do makeup and hair and dye my hair. They all said yes.The rest of the night we watched movies and explained everything else that happened during the 2 months and I explained what happened in New York.

The last sleep over guys I left at 7:00 to go back to New York and get more of my belongs and the second day that I went back I went through the window and I heard someone in  the house so I grabbed everything and ran over and took $20,000 from my dad and went back too the hotel room and slept then woke up and left and finally got to Dally's house and passed out and I don't remember anything after that.Emily and Chloe started to hug me and I hugged them back and Emily explained what happened to her. She told me her and Two were dating I was so happy for her but sad at the same time that she broke down and the same thing happened to Chloe she broke down but Johnny caught her and brought her to see me and she broke down even more.

Emily's POV:

Katelyn asked us to stay for the night and we both said yes and she started to tell us what soda did how we hated on her and her older brother told he I wanted to kill Soda for all I knew so tomorrow I'm going over there to fight soda after that I started to explain how when she first got into the hospital I was there with Two-bit and they told us what happened to you and I broke down bawling and Two-bit got me and we when to see you and we stayed there that night and I feel asleep on Two and he then asked me out and I said yes.

Chloe's POV:

I told Katelyn that we both started to break down but are boyfriends caught us but that it was harder to see you in the coma and we all started cry and we all told each other that no matter what we will all be here for each other. Then Dally came in and said that we all had to go to bed so we all said.

Goodnight Dally and we drifted off to bed.

Dally's POV:

I was walking into the hallway to tell them to go to bed and I heard them crying I didn't ask what it was about but I then told them they had to go to bed and they did they already had the pjs on they said goodnight and when there heads touched the pillow they all fell asleep and then I went into Johnny's room to see if he was sleeping but he wasn't he was like my younger brother and he lived with us. I went over to sit on the edge of the bed and Johnny asked me if I told Katelyn what Soda did and I asked him if she was okay. I didn't know what to say but I ended up telling him that I told her and she is upset but she has her friends over to make her feel a lot better and to get soda.I walked out and told Johnny to get some sleep cause he has school tomorrow and if he did his homework and he said yes I then walked down stairs to lock the door and Two was on the couch sleeping so I just let him sleep then walked over to my room and went to bed.

Johnny's POV:

Dally walked into my room to see if I was sleeping but i wasn't I then asked him if he told Katelyn and he said yes and that she was hurting very much but my girlfriend and Emily were there to help her feel better and get over Soda and then he then told me to get some sleep for school tomorrow and then he asked  if I did my homework and I said yeas then he walked out and I went to bed.

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