Getting Beat Up

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Katelyn's POV:

It was the next day and I woke up really late so I decided not to call the gang back home cause it was 4:00pm wow I woke up super late so I jumped out of bed and I decided to put on clothes that didn't make me look like a slut and I didn't want any guys hitting on me or trying to pick me up so I only did a little bit of makeup by the time I was done it was 5:00 so I started to head out to walk to places I wasn't hungry so I didn't eat at all I skipped meals yesterday and i have been running a lot lately and walking a lot. I finally stopped in front of a place that says Johnny-Rockets I ate there cause it reminded me of Johnny but I only got a soda I walked out and someone hit me on the head with something that cause me to black out the last thing that I remember was someone taking me and hitting me.

2 Hours Later:

I finally woke up and I had cuts on my arms and legs that were deep and this guy was on top of me and then I remembered that I had my pocket Knife on me so I used it to cut him and I ran off all the way to my hotel and got all my bags and got a train ticket all the way back to Tulsa Oklahoma I got onto the train and I couldn't sleep the hole ride home so I stayed up I didn't even know what time it was. It was a slow train ride but the sky was really pretty I loved it. I looked at all the cuts and thought now who would love me. Will Soda even love me. I got buried into my thoughts and I finally snapped out of it when the train came to a halt and stop so I got off with all my bags and it was late I look at the clock and saw that it was 12:30 so I decided not to go to the Curtis house cause of the time.I finally stop walking cause my back was hurting I had a backpack on and I was wheeling my suitcase behind me I started to walk again and I was finally there thank god it took me a good 30 mins to get there cause when I stepped into Buck's I looked at the clock and it was 1:00 I knew where Dally's room was so I walked up to the door and knocked on it instead this is nobody knew I was coming home today  cause I wasn't supposed to but after getting beat up I had to go home I just couldn't  say there, finally Dally opened the door and I jumped into his arms and he swung me around and then put me down and asked why i was covered all in blood then the last thing that I remember was the room getting dizzy and the room getting dark and In fell to the ground but Dally caught me.

Dally's POV:

Its 1:10am and I wanna know who is knocking at my door this late so I opened the door and it was Katelyn so I picked her up and i was spinning her around the room after that I put her done and asked her why she was covered in blood but  before she could even answer she fell right to the floor but I caught her I picked her up and brought her to the car and put her in and brought her into the hospital and they took her right away and I couldn't even she her cause she had to go into surgey I waited more hours and I fell asleep on the bench crying after when I woke up I didn't know the time then the  nurse came up to me and said that I could see her. When I went into the rooms she had all tubes in her and the doctor said that she was in a coma and that they didn't know when she came wake up there was a 50/50 change of waking up. After he left the room I hit the wall so hard I then ran all the way to the Curtis house and I was out of breathe and then kept on asking me what was wrong  and I couldn't get it out of my mouth so I told them all to get into the car and drive to the hospital when we got to the hospital we all walked into Katelyn's room and they all started to cry and Darry pulled me out of the room and asked what happened. I explained that It was 1:10 and someone was knocking on the door and it was her and she jumped into arms and i was swung  her around and I put her down and saw the blood on her and I asked what happened but before she could answer she fell to the floor but I caught her.

Darry's POV:

Dally came running into the house out of breathe and we asked what happened but he couldn't even get it out all he said was drive to the hospital now when we got there we all when running into there and went he brought use to Katelyn's room and they all started to cry so I pulled Dally out of the room and asked what happened to her. He explained that he heard knocking and he answered it and it was her so she jumped into his arms and and was spinning her around and put her down and saw the blood but it was too late before she could answer she passed out cold and he bought her here but her couldn't see her right away. He also told me how there was a 50/50 chance of her living and she was in a coma.

2 months later:

Two-bit's POV: 

I came to visit here everyday most of the time I slept over here Dally was here all the time and never left only to go home a talk a shower and change clothes that was it then he came back right away. I turned to look around and I saw that Dally was sleeping on the couch the hole gang wasn't the same after this happened I'm pretty sure Soda started dating another girl how dare he. I turned to look at Katelyn and I took her hand and started talking to her even though I'm pretty sure she couldn't hear me after I was done talking I kiss her head and said please wake up Cutie Pie we all need you and I started to cry and the tears were falling on her I finally let go I was about to walk out the room when she opened her eyes I ran to wake up Dally and then get the nurse.

Dally's POV:

I was sleeping but then Two-bit woke me up and told me that Katelyn opened her eyes then i was walking over there and  Two ran out to get a nurse i started talking to her I was crying when I was I said to her awwe my sweet baby girls its been two months that you been in a coma and there was a 50/50 chance that you would wake up. I hugged her tight and kissed her head like i did ever night I told her not to talk and she listened to me I told her that we all never gave up and that me and Two stayed here every nigh.

Doctor's POV:

Two-bit came running out of Katelyn's room I remember his name because he's been here for 2 months he said in a loud voice that Katelyn opened her eyes so we when to the room and they were open after two months today so we brought her in to do more test and then she can go home tomorrow in the noon.

At the Curtis House:

Sodapop's POV:

The last thing I remember was Katelyn getting into the hospital I have only been there a couple times and she was still in the coma so I just stopped going Two and Dally hasn't been at the house for 2 months ever since this happened.I haven't broke up with Katelyn cause she was in the coma but I started to date someone else and her name is Ashley she is really nice and I haven't told her about Katelyn but she is coming over in any minute.

Back at the Hospital 2 hours later:

Dally's POV: 

I sent Two out to get better balloons and a teddy bear for Cutie Pie she finally came back into the room after surgery and she was finally allowed to talk so it was just me and her alone I put up a chair beside her and asked if I can talk to her about something and she said yes I didn't know how to explain it but I knew it would hurt her I just wanted to kill Soda for hurting her. Katelyn I know this is going to be hard what I have to say but good news is your getting out tomorrow and I have a big surprise, now here for the bad news Katelyn ummm Soda...He...ummm he's dating someone else and he's happy with her and her kinda gave up on waiting for you she started to cry i felt so bad so I crawled into bed with her and held her tight until she fell asleep so she did and so did I.

Katelyn's POV:

Dally pulled up a chair and sat next to me he told me good new first that I'm getting out tomorrow and he has a big surprise of me and thats he been working on it since I was here and then he had to tell me bad news and I wasn't ready and he had trouble saying it and then said umm Soda...He...ummmm he's dating someone else and he is happy with her and he give up on you Dally wanted to kill him. I started bawling and he came into the bed and was holding me tight and I fell asleep  in his arms and he fell asleep too.

Later that Night:

Two's POV:

I bought the things for Katelyn and I put them in her new bed room at her and Dally's house then I called Darry from there house phone and told them they need to come over here tomorrow before 1:00 and I said make cake and he just listened and didn't ask why then I ended the call and locked the doors behind me and walked back to the hospital and saw Katelyn and Dally sleeping and she was sleeping in his arms.

So i decide to crash here.

Dallas (Dally) Winstons Little Sister (Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin