31 - The War Against Time

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"I... I'm a princess?!"

"No," Valka stood up. "You are a queen."

Saphira started pacing. "I can't be a queen! I- I don't know how to lead, I can't walk without tripping over my own feet, and I can't-"

"That's not what a Queen of the Defender of the Wing does," Valka cut her off, reassuring her.

"All she is expected to do is to provide some sort of balance to her tribe, between the tribe members and the dragons."

Saphira nodded, looking out into the distance. "I think... I can do that."

Valka sent her a small smile. "I'm sure you can."

Valka held out her hand to Saphira. "Come. Let us take you back to your people."

Hiccup landed on a sea cliff right outside of town.

By now, he had buckled on his wrist guards, slid on his boots, and refilled Inferno. He had strapped the maximum amount of refil canisters to his thighs and had even more in one of Toothless' hidden saddle bags.

He pulled off his helmet and looked off into the ocean, where a large armada was gathering alongside the setting sun.

Just like he had been told, the largest ship, the flagship, had a huge skrill painted boldly on the sails.

Against the orange sky, the clouds were steeped with a brilliant but ominous looking scarlet, as if they were foreshadowing a bloody battle. Hiccup couldn't help but agree. This was going to be a war of huge loss.

Hiccup glanced up, and to the Eastern sky he saw the new moon, which was a good sign, as Toothless and Midnight would be at their strongest. Hidden in the night. It was what they did best.

Sighing and sliding his helmet back on, he took off towards the town square, where villagers were rushing past, the men and women clad in armor and swords in their hands. The women who could not fight and the children under sixteen, were rushing to the bunkers, which were underground and built to withstand the biggest catapults and most powerful dragon blasts.

Luneah landed on the other side, and they both walked toward each other.

"I'm feeling a strange sense of dejavu," he commented.

"Except this time, I won't kill our Chieftess and Heir." She lashed out, suddenly sarcastic and hurtful. Hiccup's eyes widened and he raised an eyebrow at her.

"Sorry, that was a bit harsh," she apologized, biting her lip.

"It's fine. Anyways... good luck."

She winked at him. "Good luck to you too, Captain."

He groaned. "Don't remind me. I don't want to lead."

Luneah rolled her eyes. "You're so overdramatic. You have a natural knack for this. The chiefing lessons back on Berk will surely benefit you now. Anyways, you're a master strategist. That's why you were promoted."

He smiled and kissed her on the lips quickly. "Thanks, love."

Luneah narrowed her eyes. "You just did that to get compliments, didn't you?"

"Partially, yes," he shrugged. "But the other part of me was really doubting myself."

"Awwe, Amare," she wrapped her arms behind his neck and kissed him. He felt her smile against his lips.

They broke apart when a loud whistle was sent in their direction.

"Yo lovebirds!" Allen yelled, atop Sunset. The dragon in question tilted her head in an owllike ism, her wings flapping furiously to maintain her hover. "We're in a war! Not a marriage ceremony!"

He flew off towards the Forge, and Luneah rolled her eyes. "He's lucky I love him."

Hiccup chuckled, mounting Toothless and sliding his helmet on, keeping the face plate flipped open.

"Yep. But I don't."

Hiccup took off, flying nearly full speed towards Allen, screaming something about 'I'm gonna kill you!'. Luneah took off shortly afterwards, laughing brightly at the two.


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