Hateful Eyes

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     Julia huffed as she heaved a large load of wood onto her shoulders, carrying it into the open door of the cottage. Madeline was sat on the sofa, reading one of her favorite books and relaxing. Julia rolled her eyes at her as she dropped the wood down by the fireplace, strolling back over to the door to close it before all of the heat that was trapped inside escaped. It had been very cold the past few days and she was determined to keep it warm for Maddie. She'd told her that and Maddie had laughed, telling her that she grew up in the cold; she was used to it. She didn't care though, she wanted her to be comfortable no matter what the conditions outside. She closed the door and traipsed back over to Madeline, sitting down beside her on the couch, leaning on her elbow with her arm behind Maddie's head and reading over her shoulder.

          "Haven't you read that same book four  times already?" she teased, smirking as she tickled her side. Maddie squeaked out a laugh and smacked her on the shoulder, giving her a devious look.

          "Yea? So what? I'm running out of books to read. And you haven't exactly got a whole library here Jul." She huffed, glancing back down to the pages of her book. She gave an easeful giggle at her prodding, knowing that she'd need to get her more books soon. Madeline loved to read and she was definitely not a slow reader. On an easy day she could finish a whole book if she wanted.

            "Why don't I...take you to town. After the weather dies down a bit and it warms up a little. So you can, Y'know, pick out a few new books." Julia hesitated, looking over at her slightly baffled expression.

             "Really? T-That sounds like a great idea. I was starting to go a little stir crazy sitting out here every time you leave. You take longer and longer every time it seems." She said. Julia chuckled softly, nodding at her with a soft look of worry in her red eyes. She had recently been going to a village that was a good bit further down the road from the other. She had also recently been working on something else that was fairly far away as well. Sometimes she was gone for a whole day.

            "Yea. I probably would too. Sorry I've been gone for so long lately." Julia and Maddie sat in silence for a bit longer, Madeline enjoying her book and Julia enjoying her company and reading over her shoulder. They were both startled out of their silence by a sudden loud knock on the door that made both of them jump violently. Julia immediately shot up off of the couch and glared at the door with suspicion, the hair on the back of her neck standing up.

             "No one should know where this house is..." She murmured, afraid the worries floating in her mind were being realized. Maddie looked at her with fear in her eyes, her grip white-knuckled on her book.

               "W-What should I..?" she started but she was cut off when Julia looked back at her with gleaning red eyes full of terror and concern.

              "Quickly. Go into the bedroom. I'll see who it is and what they want from us. See if I can get them to leave" She said, watching as Maddie dropped her book with a thud onto the floor and slid into their bedroom as quickly as she could. Julia waited until she was in the other room, the door clicking softly behind her before she moved. She hesitated for a moment before striding slowly over to the door. She was shocked to see the baker from the other village standing there with several other men. One glared at Julia with suspicious, hateful eyes.

           "It seems odd for a young woman like you to live all alone in these woods." He started hesitantly. Julia squinted slightly at the men, unsure of what to say to them.

           "I've lived here since I was very young and I quite like it out here. The quiet is good for my work. So if you don't mind you are on my property and I don't know you so I'd like you to leave." She uttered as calmly as possible, trembling because she didn't have her contacts in and they were obviously freaked out by the crimson glow of her eyes. She was so tense she couldn't have been moved by even a harsh wind.

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