Chapter Twenty One:

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It had been approximately eighteen hours since I saw James disappear into that wall. I didn't know what to do anymore, I felt as though I was losing my mind. I was surrounded by dull white walls, with not a thing in the room, and nothing to entertain me. I had tried sleeping, I really had, but there's a limit when you're sleeping on hard uncomfortable surfaces while feeling no fatigue what so ever anyways. My stomach was growling, my tongue was parched, and I didn't know whether to leave and come back or wait.

 I just waited.

Twelve o'clock, one o'clock, two o'clock, three o'clock...Crash.

 My head jolted upward and I immediately pounced onto my feet at the noise, now fully alert. A bruised, aching, moaning James was curled up at my feet.

"Oh, James, what happened?" I crouched down to be closer to him, looking in his brown eyes, trying to gouge his emotional state. He looked tired, worn out, as I imagined anyone would be who was as banged up as him.

"Just hold my hand again, and we'll go home," he murmured in a near whisper, and I hastily obeyed. This time was quicker, and I didn't get sick at all. However, James landed with a thud on the hard wood floor, causing him to groan in pain. I did my best to help him up towards the couch, although it was more like dragging, and I probably only hurt him worse.

"What happened?" I asked him, leaning closer to him, brushing dark strands of hair out of his glassy eyes. Well, I tried to ask him, but his eyes began to shut as I felt his body go limp with his rhythmic sleeping breathing. I decided I'd pester him more later, and waited for him to wake up, as I wasn't tired at all.

Wanting to surprise him, I was up before he'd be awake; preparing the only concoction I knew how to make food wise- pancakes. I made ten deliciously golden brown fluffy pancakes, set them on fancy china on the table, and laid out all of the toppings to the side. Whip cream, straw berries, chocolate chips, syrup, butter...

"Something smells good," James smiled, and he looked much better than yesterday. He had his oh-so-James-like smile back, and the gleam had returned to his dark eyes, he also seemed more energetic and ready to face the day. As always, that was just James.

Licking his beautiful lips, he walked over to the table ready to eat, not before flashing a smile specifically directed to me, causing me to blush and want to break into a classy ballerina dance. I chose to just handle the blushing instead.

I sat there quietly as James ate for a while, listening to the initial sounds of his stomach rumbling before dying down to just the sound of his teeth chomping together. He ate five pancakes; my eyes widened more as he reached for another. Someone's hungy...

"So," I said, leaning forward placing my elbows on my knees and my chin in my hands, getting right down to business. "What happened?"

James immediately stopped eating, put down his fork, and turned himself to face me full on, making me worry a bit for what he was going to say.

For a while we sat there, as his heavenly voice told me of what it looked like, and how it was set up like a maze, and it took forever to get to the center. There wasn't much to see, that he knew of, but he got what he came for- the main angels. They informed him more, and yes, they had been watching. There were a couple of mishaps along the way. James informed that some of the bruises were from booby traps within the maze, and some were from minor disputes with the head angels.

"Now, down to the truly important stuff." His lips turned down in a slight frown before continuing, laying out the old Vårdnadshavare änglar Införlivas note. "Some guardian angels possess the ability to bring back the dead, and mimic animals, people, objects, or even plants. These angels were an accident in creation, and SHOULD NOT use these powers." He quoted aloud to me, and I nodded, hopeful.

"Well, turns out, I am one of those angels."

My stomach bubbled with joy and I felt so happy I nearly cried and it was all I could do not to pounce on him. I was ecstatic, my body singing with sheer content. He could bring my Shaylee back! Even better, he could bring my mother back! He could bring them both back!

"They helped me figure out those powers, but also warned with extreme caution to the things that could go wrong..."

"Well who cares?" I shouted, the largest smile I've ever bestowed breaking across my face, ear to ear. "You can save me! You can fix it all!"

"Kris...." He said, his eyes down turned to the floor and he wouldn't meet my hopeful eyes. My heart sunk just a little, bracing myself for what he was about to say.

"They gave me conditions...I have two choices. Choice one, I can bring back your family, but then we can never see again...I will be moved somewhere else, and if we were to ever touch again, the pain would be much worse....Or , choice two, I don't save your family, and you and I will be able to touch."

I felt my heart nearly stop in my chest, absorbing what he meant. He was asking me to choose between my angel in more ways than one, James, and my family.

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