The door creaked open slowly revealing my father. He stood at 6'4, towering over my 5'6 frame. His chocolate skin glowed as the rays of the sun shined on him. He didn't look anywhere near forty eight. If my mom looks the same, I know she doesn't look her age either. She's only four years younger than my dad.

A smile appeared on my dad's face as his hazel eyes landed on me. I always wish I inherited his dazzling eye color. Instead, I got my mom's dull eye color.

Brown just happens to be a beautiful eye color when you fall in love with someone with that eye color. At least that's what my dad told me years ago.

"Majesty." He smiled brightly before pulling me into a big bear hug. "I missed you. How have you been?" He embraced me while taking in my appearance.

"I missed you too." I smiled. "I've been..." the text message suddenly popped in my mind, making me want to spill everything to him, "pleasant."

His smile never left his lips as he guided me inside. Everything seemed the same so far. The wooden floor creaked under me as I stepped inside the living room. The hideous floral couch and love seat were in the same place as I remembered. The sixty inch flat screen tv made the room seem as if it still had a little bit of youth. My dad is always on top of things when it comes to technology. When the iPhone first came out he had it while I was still using a flip phone.

I wiped my sweaty palms on my leggings as I followed my dad out of the living room and up the wooden staircase.

"Mom's in the bedroom?" I inquired as we made it up the many stairs.

He nodded his head and placed his hand on the door knob. "I'll be back, I'll go in first and let you know when you can come in."

I chewed down on my bottom lip and leaned on the hallway wall as my dad entered their shared bedroom. My heart was beating abnormally. Nervous is an understatement; I haven't seen this woman since I was a teenager. Now here I am, standing outside her bedroom door.

Last time I stood here she was screaming at me to get out. She said she never wanted to see me again since I wanted to be so grown.

She doesn't understand that no mistake can be greater than another mistake. They're even, but it's the impact that can make it worse.

Just like sinning. No sin is greater than another sin. Lying is just as sinful as cheating. Cheating is just as sinful as being gay.

How can you be so religious but think that my sin is the worse of them all?

Whispered voices was all I could hear coming from inside the room. I sort of wish I could hear their words, but I'm also glad I can't. If it's something negative it'll stick with me for the rest of my life, just like all the other things she's said to me.

"You're going to end up pregnant, broke, and homeless. Don't come running back here when you do, once you step foot out of this house you are no longer my daughter."

A heavy breath left my lips as my dad stepped out of the room. His face held an unreadable expression, making me feel uneasy.

"You can go in." He murmured.

"By myself? Dad I can't-"

"You two need time to speak." He spoke quietly before sauntering down the stairs.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to mentally prepare myself for what could happen next. But I couldn't. I just could. I don't know what'll happen next. I don't know how she'll react.

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