5: Humiliation

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He chuckled at me, and walked out, but before he stepped out, he said--

"I hope you haven't forgotten about our unfinished buisness, and for your information Pang, we're both in a stalemate fight."

And he finally stepped out.

What does he mean by, "Stalemate"?

Before he could ask, the alarm had suddenly went off, causing the room to go red as the blaring red lights made it so.

"Intruder Alert, Intruder Alert, Intruders at Sector B-2: Storage Area, Warning, Warning: Code Red, Code Red."

An intruder...!?

The door to the control panel opened, Gopal was there at its doorstep, sweating and is obviously leaking out extreme fear. "PLEASE tell me this is a joke of yours Fang!"

"Yella, you wasted your time coming here, besides, since when did I do pranks?!" I exclaimed at him.

That took half a second for Gopal to process, before he started running around in circles, arms flailing around. "WAAAHHHHH, THERE'S A MONSTER IN THIS SHIP!!!!!!"

While he ran in circles like an idiot, I reopened up my mask (A.N: ermigawd, dis fox/wolf is so...YUM @w@) and ran through the walls of the ship to the said location.

I entered, turning my mask off into my normal spectacles, and everyone rushed in, Yaya flew in, Ying super ran along with her, Ochobot teleported along with Captain Kaizo, and Boboiboy turned into his Thunderstorm form, and sped in here.

"What happened, why did it say there was an intruder?!" Ying asked.

"I don't know, this ship's design is built to keep intruders out, and to make sure no one gets in." Captain Kaizo said, his expression was pretty surprised as much as ours.

"Yeah, it's rare for that alarm to go off." I added, putting a hand on my chin.

All of us then heard a loud "CLANG!" at the end, it probably echoed.

"Maybe...the intruder went in when we went into the ship as well." Ochobot theorized.

"But Captain just said that this ships design is impossible to go into." Yaya explained to us.

Boboiboy had a thinking expression as well, before his snapped his fingers, making everyone galnce at him. "Since they're in the storage compartment, maybe they were inside the cargo we bought with us!"

Everyone was pretty surprised.

"Alright then, let's split up, Ochobot and I will stay here if they ever dare to step foot here, Yaya, Ying, go to Sector B-1 and check if they moved into a different area, you two, search here."

Captain commanded us fair and square, we nodded and ran off to where we were supposed to go.


"Argh! Why is it so dark here?" I complained, the only thing giving of light was the powerbands installed flashlight and Thunderstorms red prints.

"Do you think anyone uses light in a cargo hold?" He asked me, sounding quite mocking.

We both eventually stop, well, I grabbed his wrist actually, and he looked back at me.

"What is it?" He asked me.

I let go, before doing an X sign with my arms, and raising my leg, before jumping up high "BOBOIBOY SOLAR!" I shouted out.

And in a flash of bright light, I transformed into Solar!

"Wow! Finally we have a walking lightbulb!" Fang said, isn't he super mocking?

"HEY! At least I have bright ideas! Unlike someone with Specs for eyes!"

(A.N: Oh, burn Fang, you got owned by the $wag of solar)

Instead of another comeback I was readying for, he just chuckled and ruffled my head, causing my cap and sunglasses to just go in the wrong way.

Oh well, I let it slide, and we just started to walk around the cargo hold again, occasionally making short conversations and hearing just how many sounds, causing our backs to shiver in a little fear.

Sadly although, we reached the end of the cargo hold, because we both reached a dead end here too, I was dissapointed actually, I've been really looking forward to fighting a monster or whatever was in here, being in a ship can be boring from time to time, we're not even allowed to use the training field, probably because it stops the ship from moving.

So, when both of us decided to walk back, a loud BANG was heard, so loud, that the floor SHOOK

"The hell?!" Fang cursed.

When another BOOM happened, I accidentally tripped onto Fang, luckily he didn't trip back, but the moment was so nice to shake right, causing Fang to accidentally trip on my foot and land on me on the floor!

And fate was so nice to bring in the gang in, including Captain Kaizo.

"You guys alright?!" Ying asked, fanning the smoke away with her speed.

The smoke cleared away, and it revealed the embarrasing position we were in;

I was right at the bottom with flustered cheeks, in Solar form, in which my cap and sunglasses came off, revealing my rather odd white streak of hair, and white eyes outlined by soft orange, whilst Fang was on top, hands clutched onto my own since they were raised, knee in between my manhood, and his specs were on the floor next to my sunglasses, revealing the maroon colored eyes.

"Umm...I didn't know you were having...a moment...." Yaya said, blushing furiously as she saw the scene beforehand their eyes.

Ying covered her eyes with her hand, looked down, and blushed at the sight, Ochobot just stood there, not saying anything, along with Captain Kaizo, and Gopal, just started snapping pictures at the scene.

Is it just me, or is this the most embarrasing day in my life?


Sorry if the drawings crap, I had limited time, also, doing 30 day chapter challenge, YAY.

What's this feeling? (A BoBoiBoy x Fang Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin