Chapter 2 - That's Right, I've Got Connections

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Disclaimer: I own mostly nothing! The characters are all our beloved Jojo's as well as the setting, but the plot is mine! I just like to use the characters for my own selfish purposes and make them do funny things.

McGonagall: "Why is it that everytime something happens, it is always you three involved?"

Ron: "Believe me, Professor, I've been asking myself the same question for years."

- One of my favorite Harry Potter quotes, just because 

Chapter 2 - That's right, I've got connections

            “Lily…” I heard whispering in my ear. I swatted it away and pulled the covers tighter over my head.

            “Lily…” I grumbled aloud and turned over, shoving my butt towards the noise. I heard feet stomping away and smiled into my covers, glad for a few extra minutes of sleep.

            “Aguamenti,” I was instantly dosed with ice cold water. I shot out of bed sputtering.

            “What the bloody hell did you do that for?!” I yelled down at the cackling girls rolling on the ground. Shayna was still in her towel (I’m assuming she just showered), Pamela was in her pajamas, like me (only not sopping wet) and Rose was in her huge fluffy pink robe that swallows her whole.

            “You…wouldn’t…wake up!” Rose said between bouts of laughter. I looked at myself in the mirror on Shayna’s bedside table. I broke into laughter along with them. I did look pretty hilarious with my rat’s nest that I call hair sticking up in all directions and the rest of my clothes sagging off my body.

            “That was actually quite refreshing!” I stretched my arms above my head, smiling. I narrowed my eyes, smirking thinking of a plan, “Now who wants a hug?” I started towards them and in typical girl fashion they all started to screech.

“MY HAIR! Lily!”

“Ew, I just showered!”

“This robe was imported!”

I just laughed and shook my hair at them sending water droplets everywhere. While they all fussed over their now wet items, I whispered softly, “Wingardium Leviosa,” just as Professor Flitwick taught us, first year. All three girls’ trunks, which had all their clothes for the year stuffed inside, flew into the air and followed one after the other out the door.

I ran for it before the girls could grab me and try to get the trucks back.

“You’ll have to catch me first!” A chorus of angry voices screaming my name followed me down the stairs and into the common room. As I looked around the large room I realized how many people there really were in Gryffindor House. And that now they have all seen me in my tank top, polka dot pajama pants, and fuzzy slippers.

            I whipped my head around when I heard feet thundering down the steps. My three friends appeared seconds later, looking hilarious (but furious) in their sleepwear (slash towel, in Shayna’s case).

            “Lilian Luna Potter!” Rose screamed, her face almost as red as her hair.

            “Oooooh, the full name trick, now I’m scared!” I teased, twirling my wand around so the luggage floating above our heads zoomed around the room, making people duck their heads to avoid getting hit.

            This is definitely what I missed most about being away from Hogwarts. Fooling around with my friends, all the wonderful food, the most comfortable bed in the world. The only problem with always doing things like this is that most of the time-

Under Your Spell (A Lily Potter and Scorpius Malfoy Story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu