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Victoria and I sat at our table getting gifts, giving autographs, and have little chit-chats with everyone.We started to talk to other you-tubers. Then it was time for me to go up on stage.
I was happy I finally went on stage; I danced with taco and everyone else started to dance and have fun, I talked about becoming a you-tuber and how my life was, and answered questions. After an hour of fun things Chris came on stage.. I wasn't expecting him to come on stage but when he got to me he got handed a mic and started talking, " Andrea, I've know you since we were kids..We have been dating for 2 years and I know it may be to soon but.." He was doing this right now on stage!? He got down on one knee and pulled out a beautiful DIAMOND ring!"Andrea Roberts will you marry me?" I took the ring and started walking around the stage and began talking," well call me a bish for this... but no I don't think I should." I said with a smirk
"Wait what?! Why?!"
Chris at this point started panicking because of the huge crowd.
"Well my friends as you look behind me you can see ever little thing wrong with this moment! :)" I said while pictures displayed on the big wall behind me with snapshots of Chris' Instagram comments, Text messages, and everything else wrong. Chris just stared blankly at the pictures and realized what he had just done. Everyone in the audience was whispering and saying ah and oh. Chris ran off stage and ran out of vid con.. I yelled as he was running that we were done and everyone in the crowd was screaming and were encouraging me , he would have to have one of his friends pic him up cause I have the keys to the car and its my car anyways.
As I walked around Vid con I had friends and fans telling me how awesome I was to do that but inside I didn't feel very confident anymore.. I felt like breaking down and crying

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