Cheren's daughter description

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Name: Julia

Age: 8

Birthday: May 15, 2008

Hair: Black and short

Eyes: Purple (Psychic), Blue (normal)

Height: 2 feet 11

Clothes: black pants and white shirt (school) purple nightgown and black pj pants (home)

Nature: calm easy going

Closest relationship: equal

Favorite activity with dad: training Pokemon

Favorite activity with mom: developing her power

Pokemon: Shinx, Abra, Serperior (once her father's), Tepig (her mom's egg hatched it), Oshawott (her choice)

Favorite time at school: Library time. She gets on a computer and reads all about the Pokemon of her mom's home region. She loves Unova and Kanto Pokemon.

Pasttime: playing with Shinx and Oshawott

Best psychic ability: Her telekinesis and levitation

Triggers for a psychic outburst: Fear

What happens when she's afraid: things start flying at random around her and can hurt someone, she can make a person get thrown in air

Who can calm the outbursts: Cheren

Who protects people in the cross-fire: Sabrina

Her room: Wallpaper is a maroon color with black lacing. Her desk is a dark brown and her bed is dark brown with black blankets. She uses dark colors to remind her of the danger her power can pose.

Favorite color: black

Glasses?: yes

Color of glasses: black

Studies or wing it personality: Studies

Vacation spot: Nuvema town to visit her grandparents on Cheren's side or Saffron City to see her grandparents on Sabrina's side. 

School time: 9-3

Main teacher: Cheren

Do her Pokemon go to school with her: No

Where do they stay: Home but Sabrina is only part time

When does Sabrina get home: about 12

The Gym leader's child (Pokemon Black/White 2 Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora