"Did you manage to get a boyfriend while I was gone?"

I hid my face in my hands. "Mom!" 

"Well, who?" She grinned as I looked up at her.

"It's time, Clair," a familiar voice said behind me. I turned to see Nico.

"Wow, perfect timing," I smiled up at him and gestured for him to sit next to me.

"Mom, this is Nico di Angelo-"

"The son of Hades. I've met him once before. Last year in fact. He's told me a few stories of his own," She smiled.

"Well, isn't that convenient? Because he's my boyfriend," I smiled at her.

Nico leaned over and smiled at Mom.

"Good to see you again, Ms. Vega,"

"You too, Nico. Take care of my daughter for me, ok?" She gave him a smile as she stood up.

"No problem, Ms. Vega," He nodded as she walked away.


When we got back up to camp, Percy and Annie walked up.

"Where have you been? We were trying to look for you two yesterday," Annie asked.

Percy seemed to be glaring at Nico.

"Don't worry we weren't doing anything," I rolled my eyes at Percy. "Hades was just fulfilling my wish. Nico came to pick me up from the Underworld,"

But Percy didn't seem satisfied with that answer.

"Oh my gods, Percy! Could you stop being so grouchy?" Annie and I yelled simultaneously.

"Ever since Clair and Nico got together you've been such a baby!" Annie glared up at her boyfriend.

"A... a what?" Percy asked, confused.

"You've been whining ever since the first second it was official. At least be happy for your sister as well as Nico. I mean come on!" Annie rolled her eyes.

Percy let out a sigh and nodded. "Alright," he mumbled.

He looked directly at Nico and cracked a small smile. I could see that it was genuine. "Cause if Ms. Vega didn't have anything to say about it... then I guess I shouldn't,"

"Sounds fair enough," Nico muttered to me, making me giggle.

On the last day of camp, Percy and I were walking along the beach one last time.

I was barefoot, holding my converse in my hand.

We just walked, talked, laughed... and then:

"Good day for fishing," Our Dad, Poseidon, was standing knee deep in the surf with a deep sea fishing rod, the line more than halfway across Long Island Sound.

"Hey, Dad,"

"What brings you here?"

"Never really got to talk in private on Olympus," he turned to us. "I wanted to thank you. Both of you,"

"Hey don't leave out that one moment with Nico-"

"Of course I could never forget that moment. And I see it worked out well," Dad smirked at me, making me blush.

Percy bumped me on the shoulder as the Sound began to boil. And at the end of Dad's line, a huge green sea serpent breached the water. It seemed to put up a fight but Dad just sighed, whipping out a knife to cut the line.

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