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I was back on Healer/Doctor duty but I didn't mind. 

I met up with Pollux, who got a broken arm while I was sleeping, so I healed that for him. Even though he had to keep it in his sling, the bone was fine.

The gods' focus was on repairing most of the palace, including their thrones. And when the bridge to Olympus was repaired, that's when all of our friends started filing in.

The Cyclopses had saved Thalia. Healing her legs was easy but, since I had conserve energy strictly following the orders of my brother and Annie, I had to have her stay on her crutches.

The Stolls were fine except for a few scratches and bruises. And I was proud to hear that during my absence, they didn't even raid a whole lot. They told me that my parents were fine, though they couldn't get onto Olympus which sucked.

The thing that Percy had told Mrs. O'Leary before we went up to Olympus was dig up Chiron out of that pile of bricks I saw. When Chiron was fighting his father he was blasted to the side of that brick building and debris fell on him. Thankfully, the hellhound managed to dig him out and was heading over to camp.

Nico walked in and I immediately rushed up to him, wrapping him in a tight hug.

"So I see you managed to help with the hearth during the battle?" he mumbled in my ear.

"Lady Hestia granted me her blessing and, since I'm a millionth, spoke through me. I didn't think she'd think I-"

"Oh shut up, Clair. You're a millionth not to mention Claira Vega. Of course she would think you worthy enough to tend to and protect the Olympian hearth," Nico flashed me a genuine smile before his father approached next to us and cleared his throat.

We immediately let go of each other, Nico following behind Hades.

And then, to my surprise, Clarisse walked in. Ares immediately greeted her, being a proud father of his drakon-slaying daughter (or so I've heard).

As I walked back inside the palace, away from the entrance, I saw Percy and Dionysus talking.

"Ah our little millionth. Exactly who I was looking for," the god walked up to me and laid a surprisingly gentle hand on my shoulder. "Talking to my son, he said that you gave him the strength after his arm broke. I don't understand what that means but at least he's safe,"

I blushed as Percy looked on.

"Er... I'm sure you should thank Percy as well for the survival of your son," I said.

"Oh I already have. I just thought you might want to know," then Dionysus walked away, approaching his throne.

To the side Grover walked up to Percy but I kept looking around the throne room at all of the reunions the gods and goddesses were making with their children. This was what I protected with Hestia when I tended to the hearth.

And then the the conch horn sounded. The army of my father marched in, a certain Cyclops at the front.

"Percy, Claira!" Tyson shouted and ran toward us, his arms open wide. He picked us both up in a group hug, Grover cowering in fear in the sidelines.

"You are not dead!" Tyson exclaimed.

"Best thing I've heard all day," I smiled up at the Cyclops. He just laughed and clapped his hands happily.

"I am not dead, too! Yay! We chained Typhon. Was fun!" Tyson yelled.

Behind him, the other Cyclopses celebrated.

"Tyson led us! He very brave!" One shouted.

"Bravest of the Cyclopses!" Another joined in.

That caused my baby brother to blush. "Was nothing,"

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