'What happened?' His voice steady and calm

'I -well- we - I asked Molly to kiss me.. Thought it would help but all I could see was him when we touched' she shivers

'You shouldn't push yourself, your not ready for that and it's okay. You need to take your time to become comfortable and safe around us again'

'Bra-bear can you- can you help me?'

'I'm not going to kiss you especially after that. Your not ready'

'No no I know. I meant can you make sure I don't push you away. Hug me and hold my Hand. I fear otherwise I will never get better. Don't push but comfort me.. Please'

He smiles as he turns his head to when she's laid her on his shoulder. He slowly lays his hand over hers. Not joking there fingers or even holding her hand but resting the hand over her. Allowing her to feel the touch but know she can move away from it

He feels her tense before relaxing and that's when he finally replies 'i think I can do that blue'

It's an hour later that Brad finally gets up and makes Lacey shower and change. She's reluctant and it looks as if that simple task will break her but eventually she agrees when Brad offers to sit on the toilet while she showers. She doesn't know why but that comforts her.

They are both silent as she showered and scrubs her skin to the cleanest she can. Her skin feels raw and tender once she deems it enough, she doesn't care though. It helped. Felt like she had scraped a layer of filth off of her.

They move back to the bedroom where she chucks on some jeans and a baggy jumper

Brad stares at her once she is dressed, he watches as she pulls the sleeve over her hands and how the jumper that used to fit her perfectly is now baggy and over hanging her

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Brad stares at her once she is dressed, he watches as she pulls the sleeve over her hands and how the jumper that used to fit her perfectly is now baggy and over hanging her.

'Beautiful. Now come on let's take you down to see everyone. They've missed you' he slowly brings his hand up and out stretched towards her

She hesitates before slowly taking his hand, she flinches away but he holds her tightly. She takes a deep breath and finally relaxes at the contact of his grip.

They begins walking down the stairs before they can reach the bottom she stops him 'they- they won't touch me will they?'

His heart breaks and tears well up in his eyes but he quickly blinks them away as he turns to her and carefully lifts a hand to an inch from her cheek where she after some moments allows her self to lean into the touch.

'No one will ever touch you with out your consent again okay? You kill anyone that does' he is completely serious as he speaks and she allows her self to slowly let a smile appear on her face.

They continue their walk down and into the kitchen where the others were sat eating lunch.

They gain everyone's attention as they walk in, it's silent before James smile widely.

'Hey Lacey, come and join us' he gestures to the two seats free and she can't help but be glad that they haven't moved or tried to get to her. They take notice of their conjoined hands and they can't help but smile.

Brad and Lacey take a seat keeping their hands joined. It calmed her knowing he was there and she was holding his hand by choice.

They ate the food slowly and in silence, everyone was so glad she had come from her bedroom but they were still scared to speak to her. Didn't know what to say without maybe triggering her.

'You okay blue. Your safe. You can speak'

She hears the words loud and clear, they repeat a few times before she nods smiling and shifting a little. She clears her throat to get everyone's attention and she takes a deep breath before she begins speaking.

'I we well I know that I haven't been fair to any of you. You've all had to go though things as well and it's not fair to just block you all out and honestly I hate being alone.. Its when everything is so much worse. I I'm going to get help. I'm going to go to a therapist or something. I love you all so much and I would die to protect you. What's happened to me is my own past and it is not fair to drag you into it any more than I already have. I'm going to get better, I'm going to fix myself with some help, Just take things slow with me okay?'

They stare in shock, stunned at her words. Before they begin smiling at her it's James who replies first 'we love you Lacey. You have done more than we ever could do for you. There is no way we can ever re pay you. You mean the world to us. So take as long as you can to heal. Whenever you are ready we will be here waiting for you'

Before anyone else can say a thing Molly has interrupted 'babe you've done more than I can ... I can't. You know I love you. Thank you for all you took for me. So please get better'

Lacey stands at the words causing the horrible flashbacks. The feeling of his skin. The feeling of his touch. His breath and words. She felt disgusting and filth. She doesn't want Molly or the others to know. Don't want them to feel guilty.

So she simply smiles 'thank you for understanding. I'm going to shower.. Haven't had one yet. See you later'

with that she is quickly running up the stairs taking two at a time as Brad politely smiles and say that Lacey's had enough today and so he follows her up. Sings to her as she showers and sings while she goes to sleep. He holds her hand and watches as she twitches from a nightmare when he immediately begins to sing again. He does it all night, stops her from screaming 5 times and cares for her through out the night. Until the sun rises he was there. He was there like he always should have been and always will be.

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