Chapter 16

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Hi lovelies! So updating early woooo! It is my birthday Sunday so I thought I would update today because I'm gonna be super busy and I wanted to make sure you got an update! Okay so spent a lot of time on this, writing deleting re-writing and I am finally happy with it! Hope you are to! Please share vote and comment and most of all please enjoy!

*Lacey's POV*

It had been a few days since my wrist was injured and to be completely honest it was still very painful. I tried my best to hide the obvious pain I was feeling, but James had noticed straight away. He ensured that I kept it wrapped and continued to ice and apply heat 3-4 times a day- He even went as far as to apply the cream to my stitches to ensure it healed.

We had made it to London and we're currently staying in a fancy hotel called 'The Courthouse Hotel'. It was beautiful but my mind was racing with all possibilities of what could happen tonight. It was tonight's show that something was meant to happen but I hadn't had any clue as to what. Nothing had occurred so far and it made me nervous.

All I had received so far was a text saying to 'keep any eye on your boys. Miss Keating'. That was all and it had succeeded in pushing me closer to the edge. I was so worried. I was already battered and bruised and I had finally figured out that, that is exactly what this person wanted. She sent men to 'try' and take the boys when really they were just there to weaken and injure me. Well they have surely succeeded, but what she didn't know is that I have endured so much worse before.

On top of that Brad has been worse than before, completely ignoring me, throwing cruel words and looks my way and completely loving all the girls that throw themselves at him. It was hurting me more than anything else and I was finding it very hard to cope. He wouldn't let me say two words before he would walk away after shouting at me. It was becoming harder to deal with, however he had also pointed out that molly had no idea and therefore I had called Molly and told her the truth the whole truth. She listened to everything and after I had finished the conversation had continued like...

'Molly please tell me you don't hate me to'

It was silent for a few moments until I hear her whisper.


I choked on my breath at hearing her say my sisters name. 'How do you know that name?'

'She was your sister right? Lacey that best friend I told you about, the one I loved was called Charley. She told me about her sister who done bad things because she had to, she told me that her sister had always protected her and she loved you for that'

I sob quietly 'your the girl. She loved. How could we have been so stupid to not notice'

We both chuckle before Molly speaks words I desperately wanted to hear 'Lacey it doesn't matter what you were forced into. Heck it doesn't matter what you had to go through because it's over. Now your our friend, a friend that protects everyone and we still love you. Charley loves you. Brad - she sighs- is being blinded by the fact he feels lied to and betrayed. Give him time and the idiot will open his eyes. I love you Lacey and I promise to follow all your rules to keep myself safe'

'Love you to Molly'

I was so happy that she had reacted so calmly. She let me explain everything and listened as I tried not to sob, she understood just like James, Connor and Tristan did. It was made better by the fact that we  had actually connected more over my sister. It was special it meant so much to me.

I decided to lay one more fight out there for Bradley before I let him go. The song. The song to explain how I truly feel. I just had to get him to watch my set.

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