Chapter 23

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Hey lovelies so this is the double update! There's a lot of information about everyone's conditions in this. I really hope you enjoy it! Comment vote and share! Thank you!!!!

*Third persons POV*

Everything stopped. For everyone something stopped. They were all frozen in their place comprehending everything.

So much has happened. Too much. Too much for them to understand or to come back from. Things would never be the same. Not for any of them. They all knew that. Knew that everything had changed.

Paul continued to work on Brody ignoring everything around him. All he cares for was stopping the bleeding from the knife wound. He hadn't noticed the sobbing and crying, the thump to the floor or the screams. He hadn't noticed any of it. As Brody laid unconscious from blood loss, he forgot everything else. He did until Brody was taken from him, taken to an ambulance and rushed from sight.

James and Brad had rushed forward to their fallen member. Begging and pleading for her to be okay. To wake up. To try and fight but it had seemed as her body laid she was done fighting. She was too tired to fight anymore.

A glare sent to Brad as James snarled 'you don't deserve to touch her or be near her. You hurt her. Don't come near her'

Another thing that had changed. James he had simply stopped caring whether it would upset Brad to tell the truth but rather decided that it wasn't important any more.

Brad he simply stumble back wide eyes away from James and Lacey. He knew he had done some terrible things, had said some unforgivable things. He just- he can't even justify them anymore not when she is laid lifeless at his feet.

He can only watch as the paramedics immediately start working on her body as they carry her to the ambulance. James following closely behind without a glance at anyone else.

He turns to look at where Molly is crying screaming for Lacey, begging for her. His heart broken as she looked around frantically but everyone knew she could no longer see. Tristan and Connor help her to the waiting ambulance, trying desperately to calm her down. They drive off.

He's now alone. Completely and utterly alone. It's what he deserved truthfully it is. He feels a hand on his shoulder, turning to see Paul.

'Come on lad lets get to the hospital' that's all that's said before they drive silently and almost paralysed to the hospital. The hospital where it held the fate of three of his friends. Where his other friends hated him. Where the love of his life now fought for her life and hated him. He had nothing. But in the midst of all this. No one saw how finally someone's pain stopped. Someone's constant torment and nightmares went away. No one took a second to think that Lacey was happy to be giving up the fight. To stop breathing.


Paul and Brad had reached the hospital quickly finding James, Tristan and Connor sat in the waiting room. Paul had walked straight to the boys silently finding a seat as Brad slowly walked towards them. He hadn't noticed that tears were streaming down his face as he finally sat down a couple seats away from everyone else. He knew that he had no right to be at the hospital, had no right to now cry. No right to be near his friends but he needed to be here. Call him selfish but he didn't care.  He looks to see the others glaring at him as more tears fall from his eyes. He is quick to wipe them- although it was no use- and look down to his hands. He finds them bloody but decides to stay quiet about it figuring it was Brody's blood.

'You know.. all she ever wanted was to be free. TO be loved and wanted. She felt that with you, she was so happy.  The night she told me about everything was heartbreaking as I had to watch her break and cry. She fell apart before me but the thing.. the thing that hurt her more than anything was feeling your love and acceptance then that being taken from her completely as you told her how disgusted you felt. All she would say is that your hurt and she understands why. But never did you once try and listen, not even after she sang her heart out for you. Not even when she saved our lives. I hope you know just how much damage you've caused and now you might never get to speak to her again.' James voice is no longer harsh but calm and tired. His words though hit home. His words tore Brad apart because he knew everything that was just said was true.

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