Chapter 2: Treatment

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Waking up to the sound of the door buzzer I turn on my other side moaning as I was in a uncomfortable position "wake up ladies." I hear a husky voice speak loudly waking everyone up on the ward the sound of clanking and key rattling becomes stronger lifting my head I see a black metal bar strike across my cell bars "morning Princess." The words make my sluggish body sit up against the wall "sergeant Thompson "I say in a tired voice "oooo I see giving me the cold shoulder for yesterday." He rolls his eyes and shrugs his shoulders forcing myself up I drag my feet towards the bars standing in front of Sergeant Thompson "no I'm not. you simply said I'm not your type remember?" I tilt my head to the side looking at him without blinking "your funny you know that... Princess." He slides his hand through the bars reaching for my face "the last person that called me princess had a knife near his neck." I laugh quietly while placing my head in the center of his palm following the movement of his hand "Jesus help me." He praises "Jesus won't help you with a girl like me." I tease as I place his middle finger in my mouth sucking on it then finally releasing it making a pop sound

"Radio in."
"Yeah I'm here."
"Get patient in cell five to the treatment room within a couple of minutes Dr Marson needs to see examine her... He also said no restrains needed."
"Copy and over."
Watching sergeant Thompson shout to open my cell gate I stay in the lower corner of my cell "come on its your lucky day the doctor ordered that you walk free to the treatment room." Thompson steps aside for me to walk out of my cell I wait for him as I watch him shut my cell gate following behind him I can't help but wonder the dry sex act towards Doctor Marson must of put some sense in his brain since he's ordered I walk free without restrains; which was unusual as everything things I'm a threat since that thing happened but like I say I don't do things without meaning or thought.

"Wait here." Sergeant Thompson says while walking into the guarded reception looking for something probably important I can tell as he's making a right mess in there "boo!" I feel two hands on top of my shoulders grabbing the nearest thing I turn on my heel while raising my hand I stop suddenly seeing it's Oliver who's standing there laughing out loud "Fuck Oliver don't do that again." I grunt while placing down the item on the desk "sorry I haven't seen you in ages plus you weren't going to kill me with a ruler were you?" Oliver's face drops when I say "you'd be surprised ." "Hey I heard there's a new guard coming here he's from the south and not to mention he's being hired for you." Oliver has a smirk plastered on his face "for me what do you mean?" My voice rises higher making Sergeant Thompson stop focusing on what ever he was trying to find "hey keep walking." He orders Oliver "see you later." Oliver whispers underneath his breath and walks away

Within five minutes I was back in Dr Marson' office "thank you Thompson." he signals me to come closer as sergeant Thompson shuts the door leaving just us two in the office "our session isn't meant for later on why call me now?" I say bluntly as I'm standing swaying my tired body "I know I just... Missed you." He sighs leaning against his desk "don't play games with me Doc I told you what I want and you haven't given it to me." I roll my eyes in irritation "a nurse will be coming in to give you your medicine." Dr Marson says while grabbing my file off his desk "medicine? You took me off that shit I'm not crazy." I shout allowing my body to shake "myself and others have decided to give permission to doctors, psychiatrists and consultants to visit the ward tomorrow." Dr Marson informs me while taking a seat "If you think I'm talking to anymore think again." I sternly say walking up to him "listen here..." He drops the folder and grabs my hair tugging my down making my eyes keep in contact with his.

"If I was you... Doc I would let me go before I scream oh and not to forget to mention your little accident yesterday mmmmm." I spit in his face as he lets go of my hair I quickly grab his wrist and twist it the opposite direction hearing him wince with pain "don't try that shit again." I say in a playful voice silence filled the room within a couple of minutes a knock at the door breaks the tension and a nurse peeps round the door "Dr Marson? Are you ready for the treatment session?" She asks In a high pitched tone "yes come in Gloria." She pushes in a cart with needles, tubes, medicine pots and pills laid out on the metal surface of the cart followed behind the cart is the nurse her eyes looked younger than her body which is wide all over she's dressed in all white her hairs colored a dirty blonde to break up her uniform "Angelica take a seat... right here" she orders "please?" I sternly say before moving to the seat she told me take "please" I hear slip out of her mouth

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