Thirteen In Which He Almost Punches Somebody

Start from the beginning

Leon nods. Eventually they reach everybody else. Caio and Violetta were sitting on beach chairs, and Ludmila was walking on the sand. Caio jumped up as they arrived, and jogged over. He held out a hand, and Francesca gladly took it.

"Took you long enough," he smirks and Francesca rolls her eyes.

"It was the two grandpas," Francesca explains and the boys gasp.

"Easier said than done," Diego tells her, and she shrugs.

"So, I have some time before my scene, want to talk around?" Caio asks Francesca.

Diego suddenly noticing how Leon had tensed up, he swooped into their conversation, much to Francesca's annoyance. What was wrong with the boys, butting into her conversations.

"Actually, I had already planned a beach walk with her," Diego says, and Caio nods.

"Maybe another time," Francesca hastily says.

Caio smiles, and walks away. Francesca turns to Diego and flicks him on the forehead. He swears, rubbing the spot.

"Why?" Diego asks, and Francesca arches her eyebrow.

"As if you don't know," Francesca huffs.

Leon walks over, and Francesca shoves him and he stumbles into Diego. Leon had come over to thank Diego, and explain that he was actually quite confused with himself.

He couldn't explain it, but he had this weird urge to just punch somebody. Specially a guy with long black hair—the nose possibly seven times. But he tried his best to not listen to himself, even though it was fairly difficult.

"What is wrong with the two of you?" Francesca asks sternly and the boys shrug innocently.

She huffed and walked away, after kicking beach sand in their direction. Diego turned to Leon, raising his eyebrow waiting -not so patiently- for Leon to start explaining. Because of their close bond, Diego knew instantly when something was wrong with Leon.

It was like twin telepathy, without the twin part of course.

"I don't know," Leon admits, and Diego runs a hand through is hair.

"You're acting like I did after Marco and I broke up, whenever I saw Marco with anybody," Diego says and Leon couldn't help but flush.

He knew he acting like the possessive jealous boyfriend. Leon wanted to tell Diego that it was part of their fake relationship that he was simply doing his part of the cover, but he knew that was not necessarily it.

"Is it bad?" Leon eventually asked, staring at the retreating figure of his girlfriend.

"Depends what you really think. You were the one who told me you couldn't be together," Diego shrugs.

Leon turns his head, and stares at the ocean. He enjoyed looking at the water glimmering in the sunlight. The ripples as they enlarged before eventually disappearing.

"You know that I can't be with somebody like her. I've done too much,"

Hey! So this is kinda the point where the description + synopsis ties into the story. Sorry if it was a little boring. Do any of you like Caio and Francesca together? Share your thoughts below! Thank you for reading 🙈 sorry for any errors 💚

~Lexy 😈

~Lexy 😈

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