tagged again >:(

10 1 1

You can thank EmValleyLighter for this,

1: tag 20 people (she recommends at least five if I don't know 20 :D )

2: re post the rules

3: describe 5 or more people with a song (I'll try my best...)

4: I have to do it >:(

5: have fun (shoot, I won't have fun doing this >:(   )

MWAHAHA I WILL DO THIS IN UNDERTALE VERSION >:D. This song is for Justice_The_Soul

EmValleyLighter this song is for chu

Song for HecticGirrafe64

Song for thedaughterofthehunt

song for SophieTWDTheEEFQueen

Der i freaking finished, but these songs describe you in my opinion, not others, m'kay? don't be mad at me if you dont like your song

i tag le' following:







Der i am done... why do i have to be tagged :/

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