Chapter I

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Sometimes I wish I wasn't rich. Or that I was at least born into a family that loved me more than they were disappointed in me. My name is Kay Dassler. Maybe that will ring a bell of my family's company. No? Well I'll give a hint or two. Shoes. In 1900 a certain type of shoe was invented in Germany. If you haven't gotten it yet, it's Adidas. Yeah my family is the current owner of that company. Which means we are, in fact, wealthy.

At the moment, I am heading to school on a plane in first class. I go to a private boarding school. And I promise you I'll hate every second of it. Not only because, you know it's school, but mainly because snobby people suck. They act like everything needs to be handed to them and expect people to bow down to them.

Luckily enough, I had a personal maid that told me right from wrong. That, no you can start your own bath and get your own food. Now at first when I was bratty long, long ago I thought she was cruel. Being 16 years old now, I am so thankful for her treating me like that because I would not like to be like these other kids.

Anyways, this school is in Great Britain but I myself am not British. Neither are half the kids that attend this school for that matter. It's just a really expensive school. So I guess that means if you think your family or business is top dollar then you have to send your kids to the top dollar school. Oh well. The system here is really weird actually. It's like you're put into a group of five, co-ed or not, and that's who you dorm with. And they are in all of your main classes. Excluding electives. But the main classes you are in there are other groups in too, obviously. They fit around 50 students per classroom. So if you can't do the math, that's ten groups per class. Also you stay with the group you are assigned with Freshmen year, all the way until Senior year. Well you're supposed to. I got a letter after registering online saying that I was getting a new group. The letter stated something like: "We apologize for the inconvenience but because of certain circumstances a new group is being assembled and you have been chosen to be a part of it." or something like that.

Not that I really minded. I was in an all girls group before and they were all the classic mean girls. I was usually stuck helping them all out at finals and then being ignored the next semester. All they did was gossip, complain, and talk about boys. In order to make my family happy I couldn't deal with things like those. Not that I didn't want to..I just couldn't.

The flight attendant got up and started to speak, "The plane will be landing shortly please buckle back up until further notice!" Doing as told I buckled up and looked down at my phone to see how I looked. It was a long flight so I slept through some of it. Seeing myself on the front facing camera I saw my bleached blonde double French braids were only slightly messy. Not enough for me to care. I was just in casual clothes for now. I wouldn't have to change into my uniform until tomorrow. My outfit consisted of light-wash, high-waisted shorts with a thin striped black and white shirt that was loose on me. My shoes were not Adidas, but tan gladiator sandals. Packing up my carry-on bag with my headphones, charger, and neck pillow. Zipping up the strawberry printed Vans backpack, I got comfortable again. Yes I know it goes against me that I buy from other businesses but I don't really care. Staring out the window until the plane landed I began to already hate being here. What if my new group were jerks too? Or if I got a crap set of teachers? Ugh whatever. It's not like I can throw myself out of the plane now.

After we landed and exited off the plane I looked for the guys holding the sign for my school. I didn't have to look long for the amount of kids standing around him. They were being escorted and arranged to their groups and each group's limo. I had to wait around a bit longer because I was being put together with my new group for the first time. Seeing a lady bringing over two boys and two girls she brightly said "Meet your four other group members!!"

My face immediately dropped. Looking at one boy in particular I knew him. Wearing one athletic brand I stared wide-eyed at him. He'd been at big parties my family and I go to.

He was the son of the owner of Nike.

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