Chapter 8- Unexpected Visitors

Começar do início

"What?" I asked blandly, giving him a bored look.

He looked over his shoulder nervously, as if he expected Conner to jump out a stab him at any given moment. "Can we talk?"

Shrugging, I let him pull me down a hall and around the corner, which was completely deserted by now.

"So." He started, peering at me confidently with his shiny grey eyes. "How's life?"

I rolled my eyes, not even bothering to respond.

"Kay then, down to business. Listen. I know you don't like me very much, but I think I kind of like you. I only made you go on a date with me, because you seem like a really great girl, and I'd really like to get to know you more. I just though I should tell you that, before our date on Sunday."

My jaw dropped open. He had blackmailed me to go on a date with him, because he liked me?  I wasn't quite sure whether to be flattered or offended. He was cute,  nice enough, and though I hate to admit it, quite charming. Chances were, that if he had just asked me I would have agreed, as long as Conner didn't scare him off. But I never would have pinned him to be one for blackmail.

This kid has some serious issues.

For once though, I was glad that Conner wasn't here. Because if he had found out that Travis liked me, and got me to go on a date with him, he would pulverize the poor britt into a pulp. And suspension was not the best way to solve our current problem. Conner had always been over-protective of me when it came to guys. He glared at any guy who attempted to flirt with me, and any who were brave enough to ask me out, weren't brave enough to handle Conner's interrogations.

At this rate, I was going to be alone forever.

"Well news flash, Britt, blackmail is not the best way to get a girl to like you." And with that I turned around and walked away, and headed out to the soccer field.

He didn't try to stop me as I stormed through the parking lot, earning a few curious glances from people.

By the time I had reached the field, I was late, because the boys were already running around on the field. I plopped on the bleachers, in my usual spot, trying to pick out Conner from the rest of the team.

I recognized him by his all over the place black hair, (which was totally hot to girls, though I'd never tell him that).

He was dribbling the ball across the field, several paces faster than the guys running after him. With a kick that was worthy of a slow-mo replay, the ball zoomed across the rest of the field, slamming into the goal with perfect aim.


Conner wiped sweat off his brow, before finally spotting me on the bleachers. He raised one hand at me, sending me another charming smile. I can't help but smile back as I rolled my eyes.


"You're just jealous of my amazing athletic abilities."

"Yeah right! I could be athletic if I wanted to be!"

"No you couldn't! You suck at pretty much everything that requires movement!"

"Are you calling my fat?"


"That's not what I heard."

"When did the word fat leave my mouth?"

"There's really no need to be bitter! Just because you suck at life-"

"Awww come on. I made five perfect shots!"

"I only counted four."

"Well that's because you weren't there for the first one."

"Suuuurrree." I rolled my eyes again.

We were driving home in Conner's over-rated red car, him driving, still in his soccer uniform, and me riding shotgun, trying not to think about Travis.

"Why were you late anyway?" He looked over at me briefly, before turning back to look at the road.

I shrugged my shoulders, looking out the window.

And Conner, my completely trusting best friend, let it slide.

When we pulled in at my driveway, Conner magically read my mind and decided to stay awhile. Together, we walked up to my front door, a perfectly normal pair of best friends, on a perfectly normal day.

That is, until I tripped.

My foot caught on something and I plummeted to the ground like a sack of dictionaries. My exposed legs and arms scraped on the pavement, and my skin began to sting. Lifting one arm, I saw that I was bleeding before I felt the actual pain.

The thing about pain, is that you feel it more when you slip outside your house on the sidewalk, than when you jump off a roof onto you best friends trampoline.


What? I was seven, and it was a dare.

Well anyway, Conner immediately scooped me up like an injured kitten, carrying me bridal style in his arms as if I weighed nothing.

"Klutz." He teased, though I could tell he was already looking over my arms and legs to check for blood.

I smacked his arm, instantly regretting it as my arm started to sting a little more.

"You're bleeding." His voice was full of concern.

I rolled my eyes. "Thank you Captain Obvious." I started to squirm, trying to get my feet back on solid ground. But didn't seem to have any effect on Conner.

"You're welcome Lieutenant Sarcasm."

He walked me, (still trying to get down), to the front door. "Do you have the keys?"

"Yeah." I answered casually.

There was a moment of silence before he responded. "Well can I have them?"

"Ohhhhhh! No."

He sighed. "Oh come on! How are we supposed to get in if you don't give me the freaking house keys?"

"Put me down." I crossed my arms over my chest stubbornly.

"But you're hurt!"


"Pleeeaaasssee?" He pouted with his extremely kissable lips.

"Nope." Even the puppy dog face wouldn't work. I absolutely hated being carried. It made me feel small and weak, like a little kid who fell off of the swings.

"What if I make it worth your while?" His green eyes gleamed.

That got my attention.

"How so?" I inquired and raised my eyebrows.

Instead of responding, he leaned down to lightly kiss me, sending a parade of fireworks running up my spine to my brain, where I was currently feeling the sparks. A tidal wave of lust would have knocked me off my feet if I wasn't being carried.

When he pulled back, his handsome grin was on. He had quite literally, left me wanting more. I reached into my back pocket handing him my keys. "My bedroom?"

Nodding and smiling, he opened the front door and stepped inside. "After we get you cleaned up." I had completely forgotten about falling, all I was thinking about was Conner.

"After what?"

Conner froze. That wasn't my voice.

We turned around, me still in his arms, until we were facing the living room, where my brothers were currently lounging on the sofa.

Best-Friends With Benefits (Under Reconstruction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora