Ebram's Scar

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Ebram pulled at his fine clothes impatiently. Faerie silk didn't suit him - the clothes were designed to look good, not to be comfortable. He missed his white shifts terribly. He couldn't wait to get back to the dren.

The ballroom was filled with finely dressed nobles, and they milled around talking and laughing lightly. As the newly elected High Tribune of his dren - or the maister, as the rest of the elves called him - he had been invited to the birthday party of King Banye's daughter. Princess Liae was turning sixteen; she was truly just a child, especially compared to Banye. No one was completely sure how old the Faerie king was; Ebram guessed he was about two hundred years older than his modest hundred.

A beautiful tinkling sound filled the air, and everyone turned to look at the top of the staircase. King Banye and his wife - Ebram couldn't remember her name - stood gracefully in their fine clothes, and the king beamed out at all the guest present.

"Good evening, and thank you all for attending!" His voice carried easily around the massive crystal ballroom. The floating lights high above everyone were coloured a soft gold. "This is truly a joyous occasion. I am proud to present to you the star of this night, my lovely daughter Liae."

Ebram watched, barely containing his boredom as a young faerie girl wearing a massive silver gown floated out to join her parents at the top of the staircase. People oohhed and aahhed, and applause broke out. The orchestra started up again as well.

There was a chuckle beside Ebram, and he turned to find his brother, Eiler, grinning back at him. "You could pretend to be having fun, you know. For appearances, at least."

Ebram rolled his eyes. "I showed up, didn't I? I'm seriously wishing I stayed home."

"And they would all be properly horrified that you ignored their invitation." Eiler laughed. Younger than Ebram, Eiler was the complete opposite. Light when Ebram was serious, the boy balanced him perfectly. He was opposite in looks as well; Ebram was dark, with dark hair and serious hazel eyes, and Eiler had light blonde hair and ivory skin. His light blue eyes were always bright with some joke, but they also managed to laser through his older brother on more than one occasion.

Ebram smiled at his brother affectionately now. "Alright, old boy. What's the earliest time I can leave without offending his highness and his little princess?"

"Hmm." Eiler pulled a silver pocket watch from his shirt front. "You have approximately... two more hours before they stop watching everyone with hawk eyes."

Ebram groaned.

"Politics, brother." Eiler grinned. "Do I need to remind you that you were the one who decided to go into this profession?"

"Yes, yes, I know." Ebram waved a hand at his brother impatiently. The princess was slowly descending the steps now, and the arm of an aristocrat. Ebram squinted. Was that Neroii? "However, I didn't know I'd be expected to attend silly parties. I'd much rather be figuring out a crop problem, or how much money should go into the armoury this year."

"Boring." Eiler scoffed. Unlike Ebram, he seemed perfectly comfortable in his fine clothes. "Take advantage, brother! There are many lovely ladies here tonight."

Ebram silently agreed with him. That was one redeeming quality to the night; dazzling women of all magical parties milled around in lovely dresses.

Eiler saw him glance around discreetly. "Aha! So you are not completely immune to the fairer sex." He grinned, and Ebram couldn't resist smiling back. "So for the next two hours, we're gonna look for two lovely and respectable elves we can bring back to our dren. Deal?"

Ebram laughed and shook his head."You are ridiculous, Eiler."

"And devilishly handsome." Eiler winked. "First one back with a girl owes the other their vial of Vita Water for week."

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