Chapter 2

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"Good afternoon, I'm Miyuki and I'll be your waitress for today." The brunette waitress smiled cheerfully at us with a pen and notepad in her hands. "May I take your order?"

Karma and I had left the 3-E class campus and we were currently seated in a small café downtown since we needed a place to discuss our love strategies and I also hadn't had lunch yet so it was a win-win!

"Ah, yes, I'll have the... um..." I mumbled as my eyes scanned the menu on the table; everything looked so good, I couldn't possibly decide!

Karma glanced at me for a second before looking back at the waitress. "I'll just have black coffee."

"Alright, one order of black coffee." The waitress, Miyuki, jotted down his order on her small notepad. "How about you, Miss?" she asked me with her unfaltering smile.

"I'll have the large grilled chicken burger with a side of fries and a large salad," I started. "Oh, and go crazy on the dressing, it's the only way I'll ever eat vegetables and a large strawberry parfait for later."

"Alright, just wait a few minutes and I'll have your orders here in a jiffy!" Miyuki, the perky waitress flashed us another charming smile before leaving.

Ugh... my face would probably freeze if I had to smile like that all day everyday... so, Miyuki-chan, I applaud you!

Karma let out a loud sigh once she left. "I seriously have my work cut out for me."

I glared at him. "What is that supposed to mean, tomato-kun?"

"Back to the vegetable nicknames, I see," he returned my glare before crossing his arms and leaning back against his seat. "And your appetite is horrifying, (L/ N)-san. I recommend you calm down with your portions or else you're going to chase away Isogai-kun rather than win his heart."

I pouted. "Why? I thought guys find girls who have big appetites cute! Or did that magazine lie to me?!"

Karma rolled his eyes. "That only applies to pigs, idiot."

I furrowed my eyebrows, replaying his words in my head. "Are you... calling me a pig?!"

"No," Karma seemed bored. "That would be an insult to pigs."

I gasped. "Oh no, you didn't!"

"Honestly, (L/ N)-san," Karma sighed and placed his hands on the table. "Did you really think you could make Isogai-kun fall for you if you're like this?"

"What's wrong with me now?" I pouted again.

"You had seaweed stuck in your teeth throughout most of the duration of school today."

My eyes grew wide and I let out a strangled, wheezy gasp. "OH MY GOD! YOU SAW THAT?!"

"Of course I did, and I bet Isogai-kun did too." He said blandly.

I buried my face in my hands, feeling completely and utterly humiliated beyond belief. "My life is ruined... I want to die..."

"Come on, (L/ N)-san, please don't be like that."

"No, I want to die... just let me die in my imaginary hole in peace." I mumbled through my hands.

"(L/ N)-san, seriously, stop it," Karma hissed and I felt his hand on my shoulder, shaking me gently. "People are starting to look over, and you're embarrassing me."

Despite Karma's unrelenting shaking and begging for me to snap out of my emotional dark phase, I remained frozen in my crouched position. "Fine, I'll tell you how you can win over Isogai-kun if you would just stop casting your melancholy vibes around!"

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