A Glimpse of the Future!

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"Congratulations Mr and Mrs Lloyd you have a baby girl" said the midwife. In her arms she carried a beautiful bundle of joy. 

"She's gorgeous" Brayden whispered as he leant in to kiss his daughter's forehead. The baby scrunched up her wrinkled face but didn't stir. Elise gasped as she carried her baby daughter and carefully clutched her to her chest, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I'll give you a minute" whsipered the midwife with an emotional smile - once again witnessing a family bonding over a new baby- and she left the family alone.

"I can't believe she's right here in my arms after so long!" Elise whispered in awe, gazing at her daughter's sleeping face. She tapped her daughter's nose gently and smiled at the baby's reaction.

"What are we going to call her? Have you decided on a name yet?" 

"I want to call her Poppy" Elise announced. Brayden thought for a while and rolled the name around his tongue before smiling.

"Our little Poppy"


"Poppy where are you?" Elise cried out. They were setting up a picnic in their garden and Brayden was going to come back from work any minute. She laid down all that they needed on the grass and smiled at the nice display. Now she just needed to find her daughter, who she just saw a minute ago. 

"Poppy, come out right now" she shouted, hoping to see her daughter jump out of her little hiding place. The six year old had a habit of scaring her mother with these small pranks. Elise was used to it but that didn't mean she didn't get distressed whenever she couldn't see her. She ran a hand through her messy blonde hair and walked inside as she heard the main door open. 

"Poppy if you're trying to open the door mummy will..." she started, crossing the hallway and turned around to see Brayden enter. He pecked her on the cheek and nuzzled her neck.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked her as he took in her face. Elise sighed.

"Poppy's hiding somewhere and I can't find her" she explained. Brayden chuckled humorously. His daughter just loved worrying her mum. Elise turned around to go back to the main room and nearly bumped Poppy out of the way.

"There you are! Where were you hiding this time?" Elise asked her, crouching down to Poppy's level. The little girl adopted a confused look and furrowed her brow. Her curly bangs covered her brown eyes, once again reminding her parents that they needed to get their daughter a haircut.

"Mummy I wasn't hiding" she said. Elise sighed. "Poppy, it's not good to lie sweetie, please tell me the truth"

"It's true! I wasn't hiding. I was with you the whole time. I thought you were pretending that you couldn't see me" Poppy explained, her lip jutting out. Now Elise was confused. She placed her hands on her daughter's small shoulders and then Poppy disappeared. Elise gasped and she felt Brayden stiffen beside her. She knew Poppy was still there because she felt her under her hands.

Poppy materialised back.

"What's wrong mummy?" she asked her mum. It looked like Poppy didn't know what was happening herself. Elise turned around slowly to her husband and gulped. She saw the shocked look on Brayden's face.

"I think we need to go visit that doctor again, don't you think?" Elise said nervously. Brayden slowly nodded in agreement. They got Poppy's coat and left immediately through the door, forgetting completely about the picnic left in the garden.


Please tell me if there are any chapters that have too much errors and I will work on them immediately :) Hope you enjoyed Carvings and if you did then spread it to others who may enjoy it too!

CarvingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora