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When I was little, I was taught that the world wasn't my story

No one is the main character and I'm just one of the NPCs

All the tears I cried or will cry wouldn't even make up the sea

'Cause no matter how hard I try I'll just be a wasted life

Why bother creating a fable so you can comfort yourself?

I will end this pathetic lie I'm living in once I have the courage

I'll stop singing, stop reading, stop moving, stop joking

Just stop everything once and for all then let the curtains fall

The clock stopped ticking a long time ago so why am I here?

Why can't I see all the colors you see in this world?

Someone help me, I'm switching faster than the TV channels

Please wake me up when I'm ready to cut off the cords

I want to run away so I don't have to look back

All the mistakes that I had done and the people I've hurt

Burn the memories, the places that I knew, the people I once loved

Can you set me free from this black cage that I'm trapped in?


The meaning of NPC:

non-player character A non-player character (NPC), sometimes known as a non-person character or non-playable character, in a game is any character that is not controlled by a player. In video games, this usually means a character controlled by the computer through artificial intelligence.

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