Chapter 1

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Okay before we start this fanfic or one shot idk yet I must say that
1) I have never written a fanfic before
2) I thought it up in Gym Class
3) idfk....expect random comments in the story

Warning: Swearing

Marks P.O.V

Jack and I are getting ready to go to Pewds and Crys Wedding today and I'm almost done but I have no fucking clue how to Tie a Tie, Maybe Jack knows...

"JACK!" I call from Downstairs but I may have over exaggerated it from how he reacted.

"What's Happening!?!" Jack said running down the stairs in a hurry.

"I don't know how to Tie a Tie and I need your help..." I responded

"Fookin hell Mark, Really? You had me thinkin that someone was bout to kill ye!" Jack said

I saw that he had come downstairs with his tie untied and was missing his suit jacket, I blushed thinking about how handsome he looked at that moment, I quickly looked down and responded.

"Sorry, But I seriously don't know how to tie a tie. These things are to fucking complicated" I said back playing with my Tie acting as if it's a unknown object so my blush could die down and go away.

"It's fine" he huffed "Just come here and let me help ye" He said as I started walking towards him and he grabbed my Tie and started explaining how to tie a tie.

"Okay Mark, First you grab the tie like this and then you-" I immediately started zoning out and started studying his face and how beatiful it was. How his eyes are such a beatiful blue...they shine and sparkle while he laughs and smiles. His smile is just wonderful it could light up the darkest room. He is just so perfect an-

"Earth to Mark!!!! Hello?!?!" Jack says pulling me out of my thoughts and staring at me with a face full of confusion

"Huh? I zoned out sorry" I responded

"I can wouldn't respond to me whenever I called your name" Jack said looking slightly concerned

"I'm fine I just got lost in thought" I said giving a reassuring smile. He smiled back immediately and asked me another question

"What were ye thinkin about anyway Mark?" Jack said with curiosity. I blushed madly remembering what I was thinking out previously.

"U-um I don't remember" I said hoping he'd just leave the question.....
I was wrong though

"Your lying to me Markimoo! What were you thinking about?"

"I-it was N-nothing!" I said wishing he would give up soon

"Apparently not since you dont wanna tell me, Now tell me or we are gonna be late to the wedding!" Jack said with seriousness while my face was as red as a tomato. I'm surprised that he hasn't noticed yet

Nvm I spoke to fucking soon

"Wait...Are you blushing? Oh my gosh! You're blushing! You have a crush on someone don't cha Markimoo!?" He said jumping up and down like a 12 year old school girl

"No I don't!" I was now redder than before (if that was even freaking possible)

"Yes you do now tell me who the lucky girl is to have gotten the attention of the Handsome Markiplier!" Jack said to me. I can't tell him it's him and I can't tell him he is a guy......what If I come out to him and he hates me. Should I even risk it? No. No I shouldn't......But my mouth didn't seem to agree with me

"It's actually a guy....." I said. God fucking dammit! Stupid ass mouth! He is gonna hate me now (I know Mark and Jack have said in their videos that they aren't against Gays and they aren't gay but we are gonna ignore that that ever happened for this fanfic to work okay? Kk 😛)

"Wait you're gay? And you have a crush on a guy.....?" He said looking at me, I Fucking knew be was gonna hate me

"Y-yes I am Gay and yes.....I. do. Have a crush on a guy....."


It was silent.....shit...I felt my heart sink seeing as he didn't say anything


"Please don't hate me....." I said hoping he wouldn't hate me and leave me

"What? No! I could never hate you! You're my best friend and....." Jack said not finishing his sentence


"I'm bisexual so I can't hate you for being gay because I'm sorta gay myself" He said and my heart jumped up with joy realizing I might actually have a chance with him! Eeeee!

"R-really? Thank god I thought you were gonna hate me and leave me" I responded trying to hold in my inner fangirl (Or fanboy idk)

"I can never leave you Mark! So who is the guy you have a crush on?" He said I immediately started blushing again he though he doesn't hate gays but he might not like the idea of his best friend having a crush on him. What do I Fucking say?

"Ummm don't we have to get to Pewds and Crys Wedding?" I said trying to change the subject

"We still have a hour to get ready and leave" Jack said "I'll be right back bit you better be ready to tell me who ur crush is" After that he left upstairs ro finishing dressing up which only took him about 6 minutes since all he had to do is comb his hair and put his jacket and tie on.

"So who does Markimoo have a crush on?" He asked with curiosity beaming out of him

"I can't say"

"Why not? You know I won't tell plus I'm your bestfriend you can tell me anything" Jack said to me

"Anything?" I asked

"Anything" he said stepping closer to me

"Fine" he smiled when i said that he seemed so excited that he didn't notice me step closer to him our chests almost touching

Guys I am tired as hell plus I don't think people are gonna read this anytime soon so I will continue this story maybe tomorrow 😊 Goodnight! 😪

I Can't Tie my Tie (Septiplier)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon