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I currently live in Rosenbaum with my aging mom, AJ and best friends Kyle Vivo Alodrez and Vanessa Angela Paredes. We've formed a close-knit group, reminiscing about our younger days and cherishing our bond.

Initially, I was reluctant about living in this town. I complained and longed for a different life in the city we came from. But over time, my perspective changed. I began to appreciate the charm and warmth of this urban area, and I formed new friendships.

Despite not being a straight-A student, I excelled and consistently ranked at the top of my class. After graduating, I secured a position at Quantum Stellar Engineering and quickly rose to become the Project Manager. Now, after ten years of hard work, I'm eagerly awaiting my promotion to Program Manager.

"Have you heard anything about the promotion for Program Manager?”  my co- worker, Ivan, questions me. I really hope I get it!" he says as he wishes for it.
"Yes, I've been waiting for the announcement too. It would be an incredible opportunity for all of us. We've worked hard, and I believe we all deserve a chance to take on this new role."  I smile and reply.
"I agree! Management recognizes our efforts. It's just a matter of time before they make the announcement." Jameson, another co- worker adds.
A few days later, our boss gathered everyone in the conference room for an important announcement. The room was filled with anticipation as we waited to hear what he had to say. The tension was palpable, but there was also an air of excitement.
Our boss cleared his throat and began, "I want to take a moment to recognize the exceptional work and dedication of one of our team members. This person has consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic, leadership skills, and a commitment to excellence."

As he spoke, I felt a mix of nervousness and hope on my face lingering. The anticipation inside the office grew with every word he utters.

"And with great pleasure, I am thrilled to announce that Monicka has been promoted to the position of Program Manager!" our boss declared with pride and enthusiasm. The room erupted in applause and cheers as my face lit up with joy and relief.


I come from a lineage of cardiologists and dentists ⁸but I made the decision to leave my profession behind when I moved back to the Philippines. I found fulfillment in assisting with business establishments and handling paperwork in the municipal hall. This allowed me to interact with local entrepreneurs, support their endeavors, and contribute to the growth and development of the community.

It was in America where I met my wife, Reilene, a Filipina who captured my heart with her warmth and grace. We quickly fell in love and decided to make a life together in the Philippines. We were drawn to the town of Rosenbaum, with its charming streets and close-knit community. We knew it was the perfect place for us to settle down and raise our family.
After months of searching and deliberating, we finally found our "forever house" in a newly built private subdivision. It was fully furnished, providing a comfortable and spacious living space for our family of four. With three rooms available, we designated the largest one as the master bedroom, while the other two rooms were perfect for our male and female children, taking into consideration their ages and needs.
One evening, as we sat in our cozy living room, Reilene and I had a heartfelt conversation about our journey of finding and choosing our current house.
"Do you remember how we decided on this house, love?" I asked her.
"Of course, I do. It was a long and exciting journey for us. We visited so many houses and explored different neighborhoods. But when we walked into this house, I could feel a sense of belonging. It just felt right." she smiled and replied. 
"Yes, it was as if this house was waiting for us. We both knew it was the one  and the fact that it was in a private subdivision, surrounded by a supportive community, sealed the deal for me." I nodded remembering that moment vividly.
"I'm grateful every day that we found this house, and that we have built a beautiful life here. Our children are thriving, and we have made lifelong friends in this community. It truly feels like home." she reached out and held my hand.
"I couldn't agree more, my love. This house has become the foundation of our family's happiness and growth. I'm excited to see what the future holds for us in this beautiful place we call home." I responded by giving her a  light  squeeze.
As we sat in the comfort of our forever house, we embraced the journey that brought us together and looked forward to the adventures that awaited us.

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