Chapter 1: The Water World - Part 1:

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Jesse's Point of View

I peered out of the portal cautiously. Were we back in the hallway, or were we in some other world? We were in the Portal Hallway, with it's many coloured portals lining the quatz walls. "Well? What do see?" A bossy voice echoed through my ears. Ivor's bossy voice. "Come on out! It's safe. We're in the hallway." I said as I walked through the cold sensation that was the White Pumpkin's portal. It was lined with smooth quatz blocks and it's interior was a pearly white colour. It had a skeleton skull above the frame. I guess we should've thought about that before we entered the portal into some haunted mansion with a serial killer. I felt goosebumps just thinking about it (Episode 6: A portal to Mystery of the game). I turned around to find the others exiting the portal, too. "Well, we definitely shouldn't enter another skull portal again." Lukas said once we were all through. I looked around to make sure we all made it through. Petra? Yep. Ivor? Definitely. Lukas? Of course!

We were all accounted for, yet not exactly happy. "I can't believe it was Cassie Rose!" Lukas exclaimed. "I know, right? I mean, of all the people in the place, it had to be Cassie! The last person we'd have ever suspected!" Petra said, her hands on her hips. I have to admit, that was unexpected, but now which portal do we go through? Ivor must have read my mind, because he said, " Yes, it was a rather exciting adventure, but now which portal do we go through? There must be hundreds to chose from!" All eyes immediately looked in my direction, obviously expecting me to chose one. I took a step back. "Nope, we're all a team. Why don't we keep taking turns?" I suggested. "Ivor chose the White Pumpkin's portal-"

"Because it was the best portal in this hallway-" Ivor interrupted before being interrupted himself by Petra. "Well was the world on the other side as good looking as your portal?" She demanded. "Ummmm... no..." He admitted. "Hey, how about this one?" Lukas asked. He was pointing at the blue portal he was standing next to. It was framed with lapis, and it had a blue interior. We walked over to join him. "I just though it looked friendlier-looking than the one we just came out of." He said, sounding pleased with himself. I'd have to admit, it did look much friendlier. "Well than, let's go!" Ivor said impatiently. I nodded and we all walked through.

Lukas' Point of View

At first all I could see was blue light that made me shiver with cold. I was just beginning to second guess my choice of portals when the light disappeared and I saw Jesse fall in front of me. I landed on her with a thud and an "Ouch!"

"Sorry, Jesse." I said, picking myself up before lending her a hand to pull herself up by. She got to her feet as Petra and Ivor landed around us with hard thumps. They too got to their feet and we looked around. The floor was Sea lanterns, and there were houses all around us. Prizmarine houses? "Whoah..." Jesse sounded beside me. "More of a... WHAAAAAAAT?!" Ivor said. "Looks like this place is an amazing world." Petra seemed really pleased with this place. "Nice going Lukas." She said as she turned to me. I smiled shyly. "Let's just be careful. The people who own this city may not be very friendly." Jesse reminded us as we started towards the main street. I nodded my approval, but it was hard to imagine the people who built such an amazing place weren't friendly. As we walked further down town, I noticed there was a glass wall right at the end. I was about to point it out to the others when Petra beat me to it.

"What's that there? At the end of this road?" She asked, pointing to the glass wall. "It seems to be made of glass - very peculiar." Ivor said, stroking his beard thoughtfully. "In the middle of a road?" I asked. We walked further down and stopped at the wall. "There's water out there!" Jesse exclaimed. "But why have a wall of glass blocking this water?" Petra asked. "Perhaps it's their water source?" Ivor guessed. "I don't think even a city THIS big requires so much water." Jesse pointed out. Meanwhile, I had turned my gaze to the ceiling. The wall kept going, over the city and touching the other side. "Guys!" I said, getting my teammates attention. "Look! It's not a wall of water at all! It's a dome that covers the city!" They looked at where I was pointing and followed down to where the wall touched the other side. "It is to!" Jesse exclaimed. "That means..."

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